Scope and arrangement
The Elie Edson press files on Sarah Bernhardt hold correspondence, press releases, photographs, notes, and programs relating to the representation of Bernhardt's American tour from 1910 to 1911.
The bulk of Edson's correspondence is with newspaper editors, journalists, and venues arranging advance press coverage of Bernhardt's tour. Often venue owners provided Edson with lists of cooperative publications, and offered suggestions for how to work with editors who weren't amenable to a series of publicity stories. The solution was often to buy story space as if it were an advertisement. Some of the correspondence is addressed to William Connor, the director of Bernhardt’s tour concerning press needs; these letters were forwarded to Edson for response.
Press releases include articles which were pushed (often as a series) in each city before the company arrived. Each are labeled at the top with an abbreviated title and the order in which it should be published. For example, a series about Bernhardt's presentation of L'Aiglon would be marked "L'Aiglon - 1", "L'Aiglon-2", and so on. There are also one-off articles specific to individual cities. Articles were written by various individuals; Edson also wrote and suggested ideas for the articles.
Programs are accompanied by hand-drawn mockups. The programs often contained librettos in French and English so that the audience could follow along. The drafts of these translations are also found here.
Other material consists of a small selection of publicity photographs of Bernhardt in various stage roles as well as a large scrapbook of clippings from the tour dated January through May 1911.
Some files have internal call numbers with which they are associated. These call numbers are indicated in the container list with the letters "MWEZ."
Alphabetical by file title.