Scope and arrangement
The letters from Brooks Atkinson (1967-1974 and undated) begin after his official retirement in 1965, and there is a devoted appreciation of Rotter’s research skills and excellent relations with publishers to acquire materials Atkinson needed. It is apparent from the correspondence of Atkinson and his wife, Oriana, to Rotter that she had prime responsibility for her aged parents, while not enjoying robust health herself. Atkinson and Rotter communicated often, and Atkinson’s letters frequently comment on her lively wit and discriminating judgment of current productions.
There are two letters to Clara Rotter from Dr. Rodney E. Sheratsky, a professor of literature in New Jersey, requesting a meeting to discuss her work and personal friendship with Brooks Atkinson. These are accompanied by a letter of permission from Oriana Atkinson for Sheratsky to write the authorized biography of Brooks Atkinson. There is no evidence this book was written. Dr. Sheratsky died in 2005.
Two scrapbooks contain Brooks Atkinson’s Critic at Large columns from 1960-1965. The breadth of topics includes local history, the environment, politics, and culture.
There is one undated photograph of Brooks Atkinson.