Scope and arrangement
Georgia Johnstone papers regarding Agnes Moorehead consist primarily of correspondence between Moorehead and Johnston, who was her personal secretary. The letters by Moorehead are rich in the details of her life and her acting career. Letter written by Johnstone on which Moorehead scrawled her answers are filed with the letters that Moorehead wrote. There is some correspondence with third parties, but it all pertains to Moorehead's career. Also included is a small amount of production material, such as scripts that she considered and texts for her one-woman show, two speeches that she gave, a few programs and itineraries, memos of the Agnes Moorehead fan club, and biographical sketches and clippings about Moorehead.
The Georgia Johnstone papers regarding Agnes Moorehead is arranged in six series:
Correspondence is primarily between Agnes Moorehead and her secretary, Georgia Johnstone. It focuses on Moorehead's career, but also touches on her personal life.
This small file contains texts for readings delivered by Moorehead, speeches she gave, and a script and film scenario sent to her for consideration.
This series contains press releases with biographical information on Moorehead, programs, and the newsletter of her fan club.
This series contains photocopied clippings about Moorehead's career.
This series contains two oversized scrapbooks of personal correspondence, telegrams, Christmas and birthday cards, programs, and clippings reflecting Moorehead's personal and professional list. They were removed from their binding at some point before processing. The mounted material has not been removed or photocopied.