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xSchomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division
Found matches for "james baldwin" in 6 collections.
Filtering on: xSchomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division
Baldwin, James, 1924-1987
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Baldwin 2017-03
35 audio_recordings
James Baldwin (1924-1987) was an African American novelist, essayist, intellectual, and activist, renowned as one of the world's most influential voices of the twentieth century. The James Baldwin audio collection consists of thirty-five audio...
Found in
Other Countries, Inc
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Other 1997-53
1 audio_recording. 2 video_recordings
Other Countries, Inc. is a writing collective established in New York City in 1986 to foster the creative expression of Black gay men, and to provide peer support in the face of HIV/AIDS and literary underrepresentation. The collection consists of...
Dixon, Melvin, 1950-1992
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | SC MIRS Dixon 1993-11
4 audio_recordings
Melvin Dixon was an American scholar, novelist, and poet. Dixon's scholarship, including translations, focused on French speaking writers such as Léopold Sédar Senghor, Geneviève Fabre, and Jacques Roumain. The collection consists of four audio...
Transcription Centre (London)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Transcription 1972
108 audio_recordings
The London-based Transcription Centre was a cultural organization that produced and recorded audio interviews and programs related to arts and culture in Africa and across the African diaspora. The Transcription Centre Interviews with African...
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc Re
7,785 audio_recordings
The Schomburg Center LP record collection consists of 7,785 twelve-inch vinyl records that encompass the breadth of collecting and acquisitions by Schomburg's Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division since its founding in 1974.
New York Public Library. Countee Cullen Branch
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division | Sc MIRS Countee
208 audio_recordings
The Schomburg Public Programs at the Countee Cullen Library collection consists of 208 sound recordings created from 1941 to 1979. These recordings largely document programs held at the home libraries of the Schomburg Collection of Negro...