Scope and arrangement
The Charles H. “Chiz” Schultz / Fireside Productions Collection, dating from 1968 to 1990, documents film and television projects, scripts, and production plans, either created by African-American artists or featuring African-American actors and actresses, which Schultz produced or considered for production. The collection also documents Schultz's employment with Belafonte Enterprises Inc., as well as his own production companies: Chiz Schultz Inc. and Fireside Entertainment Corporation.
The collection is divided into five series and ten subseries. The material within each series is arranged alphabetically.
The Charles "Chiz" Schultz collection is arranged in five series:
BELAFONTE ENTERPRISES INC. series, 1968-1976, (.2 lin. ft.)documents production ideas and specific projects with which Schultz was involved. The series is divided into two subseries. The General subseries, 1968-1972,consists primarily of production ideas. The substantial memoranda between Harry Belafonte, Schultz, and other staff gives extensive reports on projects, feature films, television and theatrical productions in process. One of the letters from Schultz, dated September 23, 1968, details forthcoming project possibilities and development ideas. The Production Ideas folder consists of reports for developmental ideas including project descriptions, possible performers, writers, shooting locations, and some estimated budget information. Of interest is correspondence between Schultz and Belafonte describing the conflict over the terms of their agreement for financial renumeration and production credit.
THE CHIZ SCHULTZ INC. 1972-1985, (.8 lin. ft.)series documents the projects of Schultz's first production company, and is divided into two subseries.
FIRESIDE ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION, 1987-1990, (.6 lin. ft.)series documents Schultz's second production company and is divided into two subseries. Included in the General, 1987-1990,subseries is correspondence which gives information about projects under consideration and comments on works in progress and submissions. Located in the correspondence is a 1989 Emmy Award ballot for Fireside's production of A Raisin in the Sun. The history of Fireside details the company's mission and productions as well as containing information on Schultz's career.
PROJECTS AND PROPOSALS, 1972-1989 series (2.8 lin. ft.)is the largest series in the collection. It documents film and television projects and scripts Schultz produced, considered for production, or was asked to read. Among the materials are budgets, proposals, production files, contracts, correspondence, outlines, clippings, and scripts.
The projects and proposals include The Derriere Pain, a television episode written by Chiz Schultz for the late 1970s series Watch Your Mouth!Along with the first draft are some notes and correspondence which indicate the development of and changes in the script. Also included are Tony Batten's Other American Revolution, William Joseph Black's Black Builders of America, and James De Jongh's Do Lord Remember Me. Among the projects that became productions is Richard Wesley's The House of Dies Drear. Also of interest are scripts by writers Bill Gunn, Paul Carter Harrison, and Ellen Holly, and a screenplay and article by Kathleen Collins.
Many of the pieces deal with African history or have African themes, particularly West Africa. Among these are Babcob Film's synopsis of Jom; a Rising Sun Productions proposal for The Afrikan Sun; Gregory Robinson's screen treatment of Battling Siki; and the many scripts and synopses of Sundiata. There are also pieces that focus on South Africa including Mbogeni Ngema's Asinimali (1986) and Grigori Owens' novel Johannesburg.
THE GENERAL series, 1972-1990, (.4 lin. ft.)is divided into four subseries.