Scope and arrangement
The Llewellyn L. Berry Collection contains items spanning the period 1900-1954. The collection is made up of items written by and about Berry. It also includes a number of personal documents. The collection is divided into three series: Personal Papers, Writings, and the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The Llewellyn L. Berry papers are arranged in three series:
The series includes various certificates, a passport, obituaries, funeral programs, and tributes written about Berry after his death.
The series contains two files; the first is a list of subjects and texts of sermons preached by Berry from 1921-1926. The second file consists of a speech and an article written by him.
The series contains reports, both annual and quadrennial, written by Berry on the status of the Department of Missions. These reports include membership and financial updates illustrating Berry's successful leadership. The series also contains samples of literature and programs published by the A.M.E. Church.