Scope and arrangement
The Ann Ronell Papers consist of approximately 8.5 linear feet of material documenting Ronell’s musical education and her career as a composer, arranger, lyricist and musical director for films. Scores and subject files, containing the bulk of her correspondence, along with material gathered for biographical purposes constitute the vast majority of the collection. Financial records, photographs and material belonging to here husband, Lester Cowan are also present. Folders 536-548 are filed with oversize materials.
The Ann Ronell papers are arranged in five series:
1931-1993 (1934-1977, 1936-1993, n.d. (1936-1960, 1932-1991, n.d. (1934-1978
The Subject files series consists of approximately 4.2 linear feet of material, arranged alphabetically and then chronologically within sub-groupings. Due to the original placement of letters within her general files, the Ronell papers have both chronologically and alphabetically arranged sub-series of correspondence within the subject files. There is no independent correspondence series, but letters, including those from Nicolai Berezowsky, Leonard Bernstein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Gershwin, Lorin Maazel (at age nine), Frances Ryerson and Kurt Weill, can be found filed alphabetically within this series. In addition to correspondence, this series contains lyrics for many of Ronell’s songs, working drafts and associated materials for musical projects and a number of concert programs related to the activities of her colleagues.
- Sub-series 1: Musical works and projects, 1936-1993, n.d. (bulk 1936-1960)
- Sub-series 2: Correspondence and general files, 1932-1991, n.d. (bulk1934-1978)
1914-1997 (1924-1979, 1932-1997, n.d, 1923-1944 (1923-1927
The Biographical series consists of approximately one linear foot of material. Most of the items in this series deal with Ronell’s professional activities, but there are 10 folders of material drawn from her secondary school and college days. Materials represented include press releases, scrapbooks, clippings and extended articles, transcripts of radio broadcasts and personal documents.
- Sub-series 1: Professional activities, 1932-1997, n.d.
- Sub-series 2: Student material, 1923-1944 (bulk 1923-1927)
1933-1965, 1945-1959, 1939, 1942, n.d.
The Financial series consists of eight folders of material and is arranged chronologically. The bulk of the material in this series consists of royalty statements, performance ledgers and associated correspondence.
- Sub-series 1: A.S.C.A.P. performance ledgers, 1945-1959
- Sub-series 2: Royalty statements, 1933-1965
- Sub-series 3: Other financial correspondence and receipts, 1939, 1942, n.d.
ca. 1920-1980, ca. 1920-1945, n.d., ca. 1935-ca. 1980
The Iconography series consists of approximately .4 linear feet of material. The series consists of photographs which are grouped into pictures of her family, pictures of Ronell, her activities and associates and pictures that cannot be directly connected to a specific event or project. Most of the family photographs can be roughly dated but identification of most of the individuals pictured is problematic. Of particular note in this series are snapshots of the composer Nicolai Berezowsky as a child and a portrait of Lotte Lenya taken by George Platt Lynes.
- Sub-series 1: Family photographs, ca. 1920-1945, n.d.
- Sub-series 2: Photographs of Ann Ronell and associates, ca. 1935-ca. 1980, n.d.
The Lester Cowan papers series consists of six folders containing notes and memos written by Ronell’s husband, the producer Lester Cowan, and correspondence pertaining to various of his professional projects. A file titled “Chateau Marmont” (their residence in Los Angeles during the 1970s) appears to contain material intended for an autobiography.