Scope and arrangement
The Myers collection consists of letters and documents of prominent figures in American history during the colonial period, the American Revolution, and the nineteenth century. Represented in the collection are the signers of the Declaration of Independence, governors of New Netherlands and New York, members of the Continental Congress, and generals and other military figures of the American Revolution, including American, British, French, and Hessian officers. Also included are the papers of General Daniel Morgan, 1777-1808; letterbook of General Mordecai Gist, 1777-1779; documents reflecting the activities of the Pennsylvania Assembly, 1754-1759; pay rolls and subsistence accounts of New York regiments, 1756-1758; and manuscript sermons of Lewis Rou, minister of the French Protestant Church in New York City, 1704-1750. In addition to prominent figures in American history, the collection contains letters and documents of English and European royalty and military figures, including Napoleon and his marshals, and an account by Don Juan de Casta of the siege of Havana, 1762. With few exceptions, printed maps, portraits, views, books, broadsides, bound volumes of paper money, and other printed materials were transferred to other divisions of the Library.
The Theodorus Bailey Myers collection is arranged in seventeen series:
1777 - 1779
Brief of a law suit, five letters to or from Burr, portraits, clippings
1756 - 1759