Scope and arrangement
The New England Women’s Auxiliary Association Archives, 1861-1865, consist of the extant records of its Executive Committee. Included are correspondence, packing lists, record books, and index volumes documenting its efforts to collect and distribute supplies for the USSC, and to spread information about the Commission’s work throughout New England, particularly in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont.
The Committee’s incoming correspondence, 1861 Dec-1865 Oct, is comprised of letters received chiefly from associate managers and representatives from soldier aid societies in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Associate managers were asked to report monthly to the corresponding Executive Committee member describing the activities and progress in their district. There are acknowledgments of the receipt of materials (e.g. pamphlets, reports, circulars, and sewing patterns) from NEWAA's Boston office, and requests for advice on how to generate support for NEWAA and the USSC. Letters also include packing lists of supplies sent to NEWAA for distribution, and acceptances and regrets to invitations from the Executive Committee to attend annual meetings or to become associate managers or committee members. Outgoing correspondence, 1861 Dec-1865 Oct, consists of a single letterpress copybook of letters sent primarily to the USSC’s Washington office, and a record book of telegrams sent by Abby W. May. Also present are two correspondence registers, 1862-1865 Aug.
NEWAA’s efforts in 1863-1865 to increase support for the USSC by holding public lectures throughout New England are reflected in a record book providing details about individual lectures, and a related index of lectures by town.
Supply records, 1861 Dec-1865 Oct, consist of registers of the supplies collected and forwarded by NEWAA, as well as inventories and tabulations. Supplies included clothing, bedding, foodstuffs, alcohol, books, and medical items such as bandages and crutches. Shipments were sent to various USSC supply depots, offices, lodges, and locations in the field, as well as Army camps, regiments, and hospitals. Receiving locations frequently included Baltimore; Philadelphia; New Bern, North Carolina; New York; and Washington, DC.
Indexes, 1862-1865, identify individuals, aid societies, associate managers and localities that cooperated with NEWAA in its endeavor to support the USSC. Also present is an index of soldiers who received individual relief, such as items of clothing, from NEWAA.
During the USSC’s 1878 arrangement, a large amount of numbered letters and other documents were identified as destroyed. A limited number of financial records from the early months of this organization can be found in the USSC Accounts and Vouchers record group.
The United States Sanitary Commission records. New England Women's Auxiliary Association archives are arranged in four series:
1862 Nov-1865 Sep
1861 Dec-1865 Oct
1862-1865, and undated