Scope and arrangement
The Arthur Hays Sulzberger papers document Sulzberger's life and career at xxThe New York Timesxx, with the majority of the collection relating to Sulzberger's 26 years as president and publisher of the paper. Included in the collection are correspondence with family members, friends, colleagues, world leaders, and other dignitaries; memoranda regarding the business of the newspaper, including Sulzberger's notes of praise and criticism to his editors, managers, and writers; reports on his meetings with world leaders, including Winston Churchill, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman; and photographs of Sulzberger, his family, business trips, vacations, and The Times' buildings.
The bulk of the collection documents Sulzberger's career as publisher of xxThe Timesxx between 1935 and 1961, with additional material dating from his early years at the paper as assistant to the general manager (1917-1935) and his final involvement with the paper from his retirement in 1961 until his death in 1968. He involved himself in every aspect of the paper from editorials down to the placement of advertisements. He corresponded with a great number of people about stories in the paper, events at the paper and in the world at large, and about personal matters. He read the entire paper every day, sending notes to editors and reporters with criticism, praise, and questions. He answered letters from readers, acknowledging or forwarding letters of praise on to the appropriate person, defending stands taken by the paper or the editorial page, and explaining his own beliefs and attitudes and how they affected the paper. While this collection documents Sulzberger's career at xxThe Timesxx, there is material that falls outside of that timeframe, as well as material that dates before and after his life. See series notes for more information.
The papers are divided into two series, People and Subjects, according to a system established at xxThe Timesxx. The People series contains mainly personal correspondence between Sulzberger and friends, family, and others, as well as some business correspondence that could not be categorized in the Subject series. The Subject series contains material relating to xxThe Timesxx, businesses and other organizations, general topics, and some personal material that could be described in topical terms.
The New York Times Company records. Arthur Hays Sulzberger papers are arranged in two series:
1873, 1884-1968, 1972, 1975, n.d.86.25 boxes 1 volume
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, photographs, scrapbooks, and other material chiefly of a personal nature relating to Sulzberger and material covering a wide range of topics that could not be easily filed in the Subject series by the Archives of xxThe New York Timesxx. The files are arranged alphabetically by personal name and contain correspondence with and about that person. When applicable, cross-references are provided to relevant files in this series and in the Subject series. Some material relating to personal events in Sulzberger's life may be found in the Subject series under applicable topics. Material that dates before 1891 pertains mainly to Sulzberger's parents and includes correspondence, a notebook containing reminiscences of Rachel Hays Sulzberger, and material relating to Cyrus L. Sulzberger's political aspirations. Material that dates after 1968 includes correspondence regarding Sulzberger's life and achievements, written to and by his wife, children, and staff members of xxThe Timesxx; articles written about him; and articles, clippings, and other material regarding people (other than Sulzberger) in the collection.
This series contains mostly personal correspondence, but some files contain material regarding the business of xxThe Timesxx. Files on notable persons contain correspondence and memoranda regarding business and reports on meetings between Sulzberger, members of xxThe Times'xx staff, and the subject of the file. Included in these are files on Winston Churchill which contain correspondence between him and Sulzberger regarding world events and Sulzberger's detailed reports on his meetings with Churchill, files on Dwight D. Eisenhower which contain correspondence between him and Sulzberger regarding events during his term as NATO commander and his Presidency, and files on Franklin D. Roosevelt which contain correspondence between him and Sulzberger regarding events during Roosevelt's Presidency and memoranda regarding Sulzberger's meetings with him and their relationship. Further descriptions of material relating to other well-known and influential figures can be found in the box list.
This series also contains correspondence between Sulzberger, his wife, Iphigene, their children, his parents, and other family members. The correspondence between Sulzberger and his parents includes his letters home from his posts during World War I and his letter announcing his engagement to Iphigene.
1823, 1858, 1875, 1891, 1895, 1900-1910, 1916-1972, 1978-1999, n.d.210.75 boxes 9 volumes
This series contains correspondence, memoranda, photographs, scrapbooks, maps, blueprints, and other material relating to Sulzberger's career at xxThe Timesxx that the Archives at xxThe Timesxx was able to describe by topical, geographical, or organizational terms. Material on the activities and organization of xxThe New York Timesxx can be found here. This series also contains material relating to Sulzberger's properties and personal events that could be grouped by topic, including his birthdays, wedding anniversaries, anniversaries as publisher, and vacations. When applicable, cross-references are provided to relevant files in this series and in the People series. Material that dates before 1891 includes the original marriage contract of Daniel Levi Peixotto and Rachel M. Seixas, Sulzberger's grandparents, and photographs of other ancestors. Material that dates after 1968 includes correspondence regarding Sulzberger's life and achievements, written to and by his wife, children, and staff members of xxThe Timesxx; articles written about him; and articles, clippings, and other material regarding people in the collection.
Included in this series are files on advertising with Sulzberger's notes about the quality of the product advertised and the content and placement of the advertisement; expeditions by Richard E. Byrd and others which were syndicated by The Times; labor relations between the management of xxThe Timesxx and its employees, including material on strikes and changes in the management of xxThe Timesxx; material relating to the staff of xxThe Timesxx, including correspondence with staff members, memoranda regarding performance, milestones, and other topics; and trips taken by Sulzberger on xxTimes'xx business, including trips to Germany after World War II and to Asia in the late 1950s. Further descriptions of material relating to other significant events, organizations, or topics can be found in the box list.
There is no file with the heading "New York Times". Material relating to the paper may be found in the files for such topics as Advertising, Buildings, Circulation, Editorial, Staff, and the foreign offices including Berlin, London, and Paris.