Scope and arrangement
The New York International Ballet Competition (NYIBC) records, dating from 1943 to 2011 (the bulk dates from 1983 forward), document the history of the competition through photographs, video recordings, programs, publicity literature, costume designs, competition applications, administrative files, posters, and audio recordings.
The competition is most clearly represented by video recordings and photographs. Both formats document classes, rehearsals, coaching sessions, dress rehearsals, multiple rounds of stage performances, and the awards ceremonies that climaxed the competition. In addition, videos feature interviews with dancers and coaches, as well as stories in news media.
The photographs date from 1984 to 2003, but the bulk of the material is from 1984, 1987, and 2003. They include informal shots of rehearsals and classes, as well as professional photography of the performances and award ceremonies. The photographs primarily show dancers, but also include judges, coaches, fundraising galas, and professional headshots of Ilona Copen. Many of the prints note the year, the dancers, their country of origin, and other information. The 1984 photos include many large performance prints, while most other years mainly have proof sheets and negatives only. The files for the 2003 competition include prints in digital form.
In addition to the classes, rehearsals, and performances, the videos include interviews with dancers, documentaries on the competition, and media news features. Competition video is present for 1984, 1987, 2000, and 2003. Media coverage spans 1984 to 2007. The videos also contain two applicant auditions.
The Programs and Publicity files offer fairly complete coverage of the competitions, and include press kits, fliers, advertising copy, and clippings.
The Administrative files include dancer applications; notes on competition choreographers; meeting minutes and agendas; a 1983 work calendar; and official city and state proclamations honoring NYIBC. The applications, which specify the music and choreography for the dancers' prepared auditions, date from the 1984, 1987, 2000, and 2005 competitions.
The Costume Designs contain notes, drawings, sketches, and final designs for the required costumes for all years of the competition.
The folder of Igor Youskevitch photographs and obituaries contain prints of him in performance, as well as coaching NYIBC dancers.
The collection also holds the personal papers of Ilona Copen. They include professional notes and letters from colleagues and dancers, family letters, and programs from Copen's performance career.
Posters date from the 1984 and 1987 competitions.
The audio recordings comprise music used for the 1987 and 1990 competitions, and a 1984 interview with Gwen Verdon, who served with Tony Randall as a master of ceremonies for that year's competition.
The collection is arranged in its received order.