Scope and arrangement
The photographs in this collection were separated from the papers of José Limón cataloged in (S) *MGZMD 24. At that time, images representing Limón's choreography and many photographs of Limón were integrated into the appropriate *MGZE/A files and into (S) *MGZEB 81-1284 Limón choreography: Oversize photographs. The remainder of the photographs here are the personal files of the Limóns in their possession in their final years.
The collection is divided into two series: I. José Limón photographs; II. Pauline Lawrence Limón photographs. In fact, images of Pauline Lawrence Limón (PLL) are included throughout the José Limón (JL) series. Her files include only the photographs which predate her marriage and those not associated with the Limón Company.
The early photographs of JL include childhood pictures such as one labelled "mother and son 1910," a print reproduced in 1936 by a Los Angeles studio. They also include college-age shots and many with unidentified friends and family. The military service file includes portraits, as well as photographs of JL in Special Services productions. The later informal shots include color snapshots of others such as Betty Jones and Pauline Koner. Folder 6 includes a small photo by Arthur Todd of JL with Igor Youskevitch, Alvid Ailey, and Rudolf Nureyev.
The photographs of the farm at Stockton, NJ are snapshots of the Limóns on their property, with neighbors and others, and some of the farm buildings themselves.
Among the studio shots and portraits (folders 13 and 22) there are photographs by Thomas Bouchard, Gerda Peterich, Estelle wolf, Lipnitzki, Arthur Todd, Pamplona, Walter Reuter, Helen Hewitt, Oleaga, Peter Basch, Cedric Wright, Beth Bergman, Warren Ballard. See folder list below for additional photographers represented in the collection.
Photographs of artwork include images of the sculpture of JL by Anita Weschler exhibited at the Whitney Museum in 1940?. Four newspaper notices are filed with the photographs in folder 32. Other artists include E. W. Miles, Donald Forbes, and Beatrice Paipert.
The company tour photographs consist of publicity shots, receptions and poses with local dignitaries, and snapshots of local scenes. There are several photographs by Rosa Covarrubias in the Mexico file.
The dance works files supply little documentation of the work of JL. There are a number of miscellaneous images of works produced in Mexico by other choreographers during the 1950s or 1960s.
The Pauline Lawrence Limón series includes many informal photographs of the Denishawn Company during their Far East tour. Among the dancers pictured are Ted Shawn, Ruth St. Denis, Doris Humpnrey, Charles Weidman, and Pauline Lawrence.
The José Limón and Pauline Lawrence Limón photograph files are arranged in two series: