Scope and arrangement
The Helen Priest Rogers dance files consist of photographs; correspondence; and programs about dancers, dance companies, and preservation research. The Connecticut College School of the Dance file holds photographs depicting campus life, master classes taught by artists such as Martha Graham and Doris Humphrey, and students at work. The photographs were taken by Roger's husband, Hubert. There are also photographs within the subject files on Martha Graham and Dance Players.
Files on Martha Graham, Dance International, and the Dance Players Company hold flyers, photographs, and programs. There is also a course outline on modern dance for beginners by Martha Hill. There is a small amount of correspondence from José Limón, including one 1957 letter asking Rogers for the video of The Exiles, as he's forgotten portions of the dance. Elizabeth Sherbon's file holds a photocopy of a letter from Elizabeth Sherbon to a relation in 1984. The letter gives a detailed outline of her early training as a dancer with her twin sister Alice Sherbon Bauman. The letter mentions Roger as an expert on Labanotation.
Dance preservation files hold two letters to Muriel Topaz from the Mellon Foundation regarding a study on preservation, and a list of participants for a 1989 dance preservation meeting.
A file on Bennington School of the Dance holds programs and material from student Susan Ann Morse including notes she took on dance classes and theory. Morse was a student at Bennington in July, 1937.