Scope and arrangement
· Holograph endorsement on an autograph letter from Caroline Lamb to Morgan, B'ANA 0159 : 1827 : (MISC 4590) : [no place] : reads in full: "My poor D Lady Caroline Lamb's / brief bit of auto-Biography / 1827." -- Within bound volume of letters relating to Caroline Lamb (B'ANA 0138-0177); shelved in *Pforz BT under Caroline Lamb.
· To Maria Bowring, wife of the politician and writer John Bowring : 1 autograph letter signed : [no date] : (MISC 4023.24b) : from 11 William Street : begins, "I give up the pleasure (as I am [?] thanks) of waiting on you on Saturday Eve.g ..." Within the Mary Ann Humble autograph album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To Henry Colburn, publisher : 1 autograph letter signed : [between 1818 and 1824] : (MISC 2032) : [no place] : begins, "I have not yet unpacked my trunks & shall not be able to do it tonight ..." Within the William Upcott album of letters by eminent women. Shelved with bound manuscript volumes.
· To George Dyer, author and advocate of political reform : 1 autograph letter signed : 18 May 1837 : (MISC 3616p) : [no place] : begins, "Your very kind and sympathising letter was truly gratifying to the sorrowing Widow of Your departed friend ..."; with thick mourning border on address leaf.
· To A. and W. Galignani, publishers : 1 autograph letter third person : 29 May 1829 : (MISC 3404) : from Hotel de la [----?] : requesting "Mr. Galignani will send her a copy of Salvatore Rosa in English by the bearer ...".
· To Mary Gaskell, wife of Daniel Gaskell, MP for Wakefield : 1 autograph letter signed : [no date] : (MISC 4053) : [no place] : begins, "The inclemency of the weather and the distance of the place we dined at prevented one having the pleasure of going on to your agreeable party ...".
· To Mrs M. [?Gibran] : 1 autograph letter signed : 26 Apr 1851 : (MISC 4066) : from [?T----, ?Chesbury] : begins, "I rejoice you have seen Alexander & approve of him ...".
· To Abraham Hayward, essayist and translator : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 17 Dec 1854 : (HWD 07.054) : from 11 William Street : begins, "Your letter could not fail to gratify me; it did so in no ordinary degree ..." Within the Abraham Hayward Correspondence Files. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 9 Nov 1858 : (HWD 01.033) : from William Street : begins, "Are you in town?" With the stamped, postmarked envelope, with red wax seal bearing cameo portrait of a woman. Within the Abraham Hayward Correspondence Files. -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Friday" 24 Mar [1837 or later] : (MISC 3501) : from William St. : begins, "Will you accept of a seat in my box at the Royal Opera tomorrow night...".
· To Susanna Hunter of The Society of Friends, Glenfield Place, Belfast, Ireland : 1 autograph letter signed : 10 Dec 1845 : (MISC 0866) : from 11 William Street, Albert Gate, Hyde Park : begins, "Most partial Reader - and gracious friend! I accept thy flattering testimony on behalf of my little books ..."; with thin mourning border; with the stamped, postmarked envelope, with black wax seal with harp image.
· To Caroline Hume, wife of Thomas Hume, Irish-born physician : 1 autograph letter signed : "Thursday" [watermark = 1827] : (MISC 3215) : from Kildare St. : begins, "Will you & Dr. Hume come to see me in the charade of 2 Philosophers on Friday Evening ..." With a note to Thomas Hume ("T") on the verso, written the next day; begins, "Expecting to see you I did not send this ...".
· To Anna Brownell Jameson, writer and art historian : 2 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : [?20 Mar 1841] : (S'ANA 0737) : from 11 William Street : begins, "You said you would prefer dining en-tiers with 'our husband and ourself' to meeting a more distinguished party..."; body closes, " either case, I will ask Mrs. Shelley to meet you." -- 1 autograph letter signed : "Wednesday" : (MISC 3773) : from 11 William St. : begins, "I regret to say that your 'only day' this week, Friday, Sir Charles dines out ..."; along with an original newspaper clipping of Lady Morgan's obituary, from an unidentified source.
· To Mrs. Povey : 1 autograph letter signed : "Wednesay Morning" [watermark = 1824] : (MISC 2283) : [no place] : begins, "Capt. and Mrs. Povey are coming here to day to hold counsel on an Irish standard for the Viceroyal boating excursions next summer ...".
· To Cyrus Redding, journalist : 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Oct 1832 : (MISC 2503) : from Kildare St. : begins, "I am fidgetty [sic] lest my last packet (sent through the castle) should not have reached you ...".
· To Miss Smith, Westmoreland Street [Dublin] : 1 autograph letter signed : [1809?] : (G'ANA 0019) : from Gt. George St., Rutland Square : on the subject of a subscription for the family of the late Thomas Holcroft; begins, "It is strange to say that a letter of yours of a very distant date only reached my hands this moment ..."; with red wax seal with "Sydney" in script.
· To Martin Archer Shee, portrait painter and writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 11 Aug 1833 : (SHEE 0031b) : from Brussels : begins, "Talking to some eminent artists, here, yesterday of the eminent artists of Highland, your name naturally occurred ..." Mounted in the Shee Autograph Album. Shelved with bound manuscript volumes under "Shee.".
· To Mr. Talbot : 1 autograph note signed : [no date] : (MISC 3951) : [no place] : begins, "On my return to Town this morning (Thursday) 5 o'clock I find yr. [card?] ..." Within the Agatha Hogsbottom autograph album. Shelved with oversized manuscript volumes.
· To unidentified recipients : 5 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed to "My D Madam" : "Sunday" [between 1812 and 1837] : (MISC 2282) : from Kildare Street : begins, "If any thing could console me for your absence at dinner it would be the hope of seeing you for an hour in the Evening ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed to "My D Madam" : 28 Oct [1835] : (B'ANA 0138) : from St. James's Place : begins, "Your obliging note has followed me from Dublin home and I assure you I greatly regret the opportunity it afforded me of making Mr. Taylor's acquaintance ..." Within the album of Autograph Letters Written by Caroline Lamb. Shelved in *Pforz BT. -- 1 autograph letter third person to "Mon.r le Mediateur en chef" : 20 Jan 1850 : (MISC 4067) : [no place] : in French; mentioning her novel, Florence Macarthy. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 16 Feb 1859 : (MISC 3774) : [no place] : begins, "As I hear you are going to 'Trip it on the light fantastic Toe' on Thursday Evening ..." -- 1 autograph letter signed to "Tres aimiable Capitain" : 24 May [no year] : (MISC 3775) : from 67 Berners Street, Oxford Street : in French; body reads in full, "Nous voila! C'est tout dire pour le moment.".