Scope and arrangement
To Maurice Buxton Forman, literary editor : 1 typescript letter signed : 4 Apr 1927 : (H'ANA 0071) : from Amen House, Warwick-Square, London, E.C.4. (Oxford University Press letterhead) : regarding the holograph manuscript of Leigh Hunt's poem, "Jenny Kiss'd Me"; begins, "We all read 'stricken'; does that agree with your decipherment?" Filed with Hunt's holograph (LH 0294).|||To Charles Dealtry Locock, writer and editor : 1 autograph letter signed : 3 Dec 1903 : (S'ANA 0979) : from The Clarendon Press, Oxford (printed stationery) : begins, "Our scheme for a large edition of Shelley's poems has not made much progress lately ...".|||To Walter Edwin Peck, Shelley scholar : 1 typescript letter signed : 10 Aug 1923 : (S'ANA 0681) : from Amen Corner, London E.C.4. (Oxford University Press letterhead) : begins, "Thank you for your letter of 28 July. I did not understand from our previous correspondence and my talk with Mr. Pforzheimer last autumn that you wished to publish a new edition of Shelley's Philosophical View of Reform ..."; along with a stamped Bodleian University envelope addressed to Carl H. Pforzheimer, postmarked from Oxford, 6 Nov 1946.