Scope and arrangement
To Sir Alured Clarke, army officer and colonial governor : 1 autograph letter : 16 Oct 1799 : (MISC 0291) : including, "I am [in London] for a few days only, after having followed the combined fleets six weeks, and missing them by three days.".|||To Sir George Ralph Collier, naval officer : 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Jul 1813 : (MISC 0293).|||To Sir Sidney Smith, naval officer : 1 autograph letter signed : 8 Jan 1800 : (MISC 0292) : including, "The important despatches [sic] which were interrupted some time ago made it clear the French were negotiating with the Porte.".|||To "Mon Général" : 1 autograph letter signed : 20 May 1800 : (MISC 0294) : in French ; begins, "La campagne au Rhin vieut d'être ouverte par les Francois ...".