Found 2 collections related to Rodney, Thomas, 1744-1811

Rodney family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2602
.25 linear feet (1 box)
Caesar Rodney (1728-1784), his brother Thomas Rodney (1744-1811) and Thomas Rodney’s son Caesar A. (Caesar Augustus) Rodney (1772-1824) were prominent American politicians and statesmen from Kent County, Delaware. The Rodney family papers, dating... more
Rodney, Thomas, 1744-1811
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2605
.08 linear feet (1 volume)
Memorandum and account book kept by Thomas Rodney, U.S. Judge in the Mississippi Territory, from December 1, 1803 to January 13, 1811. Entries are in diary form and were kept primarily at Washington, Mississippi. Entries record money paid and... more