Found 3 collections related to Russell, Lillian, 1861-1922
Locke, Robinson, 1856-1920
Billy Rose Theatre Division | NAFR+
107.94 linear feet (518 volumes, 574 other items)
The Robinson Locke collection consists of scrapbooks and portfolios containing clippings, programs, photographs, prints, letters and other ephemera documenting American theater history.
Gibson, Robert J
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1997-025
Robert J. Gibson collected this material on Lillian and Dorothy Russell. This is a small collection notable mainly for the unpublished biography of Lillian and her daughter Dorothy Russell and letters written by Lillian Russell to her daughter and...
Brosell, Olive
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1961-003
1 volume (40 leaves), 26 cm; 1 volume (40 leaves), 26 cm
Olive Brosell, autograph collector. Clothbound autograph book with the word "Albumn" embossed in gold on cover, 7 1/2 x 4 3/4 in., one autograph per leaf for the first twenty-five leaves, two leaves excised from the middle, final fifteen leaves...