Found 3 collections related to Melcher, Frederic Gershom, 1879-1963
American Institute of Graphic Arts. Printing Anniversary Committee
Manuscripts and Archives Division
5 folders
Correspondence with members and related groups, official reports, minutes, and financial statements, relating to a plan for coordinating the observance of the 500th anniversary of printing from movable type. Frederic G. Melcher conceived and was...
Pynson Printers
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2510
10 linear feet (32 boxes)
Pynson Printers, founded in 1922 in New York by typographer Elmer Adler, was a private press that produced many limited edition books. In 1930 Adler began publishing The Colophon, a quarterly for book collectors. Both Pynson Printers and The...
Booksellers' Training School (New York, N.Y.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 337
.4 linear feet (1 box)
Collection consists of correspondence and other papers relating to a course for training in bookselling as a trade, conducted in New York City in connection with the Young Men's Christian Association under the auspices of the Booksellers' League...