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Found 3 collections related to Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
Hapgood, Isabel Florence, 1850-1928
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1309
2 linear feet (7 boxes)
Isabel Florence Hapgood (1850-1928) was an American translator and author. Collection consists primarily of correspondence, documents and photographs from Russian artists, musicians, writers, and clergy. Includes materials prepared by Hapgood on...
Hall, Bolton, 1854-1938
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1288
9 linear feet (21 boxes and 3 v.)
Bolton Hall (1854-1938) was an American lawyer and author. He prepared the expurgated text of the King James version of the Bible (called The Living Bible) in addition to writing and speaking on topics such as social reform and political economy....
Tucker, Benjamin Ricketson, 1854-1939
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3040
27 linear feet (39 boxes and 40 v.)
Benjamin Ricketson Tucker (1854-1939) was the publisher of the anarchist publication Liberty from 1881 to 1908, and The Radical Review, 1877 and 1878; owner of the Unique Bookshop in New York City; specialist in and translator of Pierre Joseph...
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.