Found 201 collections related to Authors, Black

National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Status of Black Americans
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 548
1.04 linear feet (3 boxes)
The National Research Council Committee on the Status of Black Americans working papers consist of thirty-three essays prepared by prominent scholars in several fields as background for the publication, A Common Destiny: Blacks... more
Williams, Mary Lou, 1910-1981
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | SC MG 922
1.04 linear feet (3 boxes)
The collection contains materials used to create the Mary Lou Williams documentary, Music on My Mind, directed by Joanne Burke. Music on My Mind focuses on Williams's enduring contribution to... more
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-977
0.25 linear feet (4 reels)
Langston Hughes was a poet, author, playwright, and songwriter. This collection represents the vertical file holdings of the Schomburg as of September 1, 1971, and includes personal and professional material.
Davis, Jessica Bell
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 620
1.04 linear feet (3 boxes)
This collection consists of personal and professional papers of Jessica B. Davis; the majority of the collection contains materials related to Davis's role as president of the Westchester Branch of Key Women of America. Most of this material is... more
Manchanda, Claudia
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 692
1.25 linear feet (3 boxes)
Claudia Jones (1915-1964) was a political activist, communist, journalist, and community leader. The Claudia Jones Memorial collection consists primarily of printed matter apparently owned by Jones.
X, Malcolm, 1925-1965
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-6270
1.0 linear feet (16 reels)
Malcolm X was an African American nationalist leader and minister of the Nation of Islam who sought to broaden the civil rights struggle in the United States into an international human rights issue, and who subsequently founded the Muslim Mosque... more
Watson, Barbara Mae, 1918-1983
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 421
18.0 linear feet (50 boxes)
Barbara Mae Watson was the owner and director of the African American modeling agency and charm school, Brandford Models, Inc. (later changed to Barbara Watson Models), and the first woman and first African American Assistant Secretary of State,... more
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 109
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
The W.E.B Du Bois collection consists of a small body of speeches, articles, correspondence, and related material primarily authored by Du Bois. Of special interest is a typescript, with editorial comments, of the first two chapters of Du Bois's... more
Damas, Léon-Gontran, 1912-1978
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 302
26.46 linear feet (29 boxes)
This collection consists of personal papers, professional and literary correspondence, office files, research notes, and printed matter documenting the professional and literary activities of Léon-Gontran Damas, an author, lecturer, and... more
Harris, M. A., 1908-1977
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 34
19.58 linear feet (93 boxes)
The Middleton "Spike" Harris newspaper collection consists of newspapers from various U. S. states, the majority from the East Coast and from the 19th century. There are also some newspapers from London, England. Included are multiple... more
Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 256
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
This collection consists of biographical material, programs, catalogs, printed material about Carver, plant specimens, and correspondence. Most of the correspondence is between Carver and Ford Davis, a white scientist employed at the Tom Houston... more
Baraka, Amiri, 1934-2014
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 280
0.42 linear feet (2 boxes)
Amiri Baraka's collection of unpublished poetry consists of over two hundred poems, which, according to Baraka, were written between 1959 and 1965. With the exception of three poems, all are unpublished. Most items bear holograph corrections,... more
Jessye, Eva, 1895-1992
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 233
0.25 linear feet (1 box)
Eva Jessye, African American choral director, composer, arranger, and music historian was born in Coffeyville, Kansas, in 1895. In 1914, she graduated from Western University of Kansas City with a degree in music and then went on to Langston... more
Penn, Robert E.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 711
25.28 linear feet (61 boxes); 32.9 megabytes (1183 computer files)
Robert E. Penn, Jr. (1948- ) is an African-American LGBT activist, a writer, and a producer. The Robert E. Penn papers, dating from 1971 to 2003, reflect Penn's work as an activist; his work as Assistant Director of Education, HIV Prevention for... more
Frye, Charles A.
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 585
11.26 linear feet (13 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Charles Anthony Frye (1946-1994) was an early proponent of Black studies and taught philosophy, religion, and literature, and he was a published novelist and poet. The Charles A. Frye papers, 1964-1995, reflect the teaching and writer career of... more
Guy, Rosa
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 903
13.17 linear feet (35 boxes)
The Rosa Guy papers contain material related to her personal life, her writing, and her professional career. The personal matter includes correspondence and biographical information. The material in the writing series includes drafts, notes, and... more
Washington, Eno
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 495
5.93 linear feet (9 boxes, 1 oversize folder)
Donald Eno Washington is a performing dance artist and instructor with a specialty in dance of West Africa and Mali. The Donald Eno Washington papers include personal and professional material regarding his dance career and travels.
Thorsen, Karen
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 851
2.5 linear feet (6 boxes)
The feature-length 16mm documentary James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket, directed by Karen Thorsen in 1989, is an autobiographical portrait of writer and activist James Baldwin. Without using narration, the film... more
Writers' Program (New York, N.Y.)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-6544
4.48 linear feet (10 boxes, 5 reels)
The studies for this collection were compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Works Projects Administration in New York City. This collection consists of 41 studies of the history of Blacks in New York City. Included are biographical... more
Williamson, Harry A. (Harry Albro), 1875-1965
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 516
2.81 linear feet (6 boxes, 5 reels)
Harry A. Williamson, a member of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York, was a prolific writer on the subject of Freemasonry. The Harry A. Williamson papers : additions consist of writings, reports, souvenir journals, newsletters, and court... more
McGruder, Kevin, 1957-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 368
1.42 linear feet (2 boxes)
Born in Toledo, Ohio, activist, entrepreneur, and writer Kevin McGruder attended Harvard University (BA in Economics) and Columbia University (M.B.A. in Real Estate Finance). In 2007, he began his doctoral studies in History at the Graduate Center... more
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 750
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
Alan L. McLeod is emeritus professor of literature at Rider University, New Jersey, as well as a literary critic and editor of several volumes. McLeod researched and wrote about the life and work of Jamaican born, Harlem Renaissance writer Claude... more
Gonsalves, Roy, 1960-1993
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 753
0.21 linear feet (1 box)
The Roy Gonsalves papers contain an unpublished manuscript titled "City of Refuge"; a photocopy of his will' correspondence with his literary executor, Harold Robinson (1992); and photocopies of journal entries.
Simmons, Ron, 1950-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 619
6.42 linear feet (7 boxes)
Ron Simmons, an early Black LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning) rights activist in the 1970s and 1980s. The Ron Simmons papers contain manuscripts for several of his writings, correspondence, research material,... more
Jeffries, Ira, 1932-2010
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 794
6.42 linear feet (7 boxes)
Ira L. Jeffries author, playwright and journalist, had a productive career in New York City's off-off Broadway Theater and African American communities. The Ira Jeffries papers consist of biographical material including correspondence, memoirs,... more
Johnson, Hall, 1888-1970
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 811
0.01 linear feet (1 folder)
African-American composer, musician, and arranger, Hall Johnson is best known as a choral director and for his arrangements of spirituals. In 1925, Johnson formed the Hall Johnson Negro Choir, which performed spirituals in the traditional style.... more
Boyd, Wallace Bass, 1966-
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 813
2.0 linear feet (2 boxes)
The Wallace Bass Boyd collection is comprised of forty-seven journals, biographical accounts and geographical descriptions of Black life in the South, as well as drafts of his writings from 1985-2007. The journals primarily capture Boyd's... more
Williams, W. Hazaiah, 1930-1999
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 760
7.42 linear feet (8 boxes)
Wlliam Hazaiah Williams, Jr. was an African-American minister and educator. The W. Hazaiah Williams papers contain material related to his personal life, ministry, and other professional ativities.
Greene, Richard T., 1913-2006
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 815
1.25 linear feet (3 boxes)
Richard T. Greene was a bank executive and advertising manager. The Richard T. Greene papers document Greene's career in advertising and banking.
Bailey, Pearl
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 824
0.01 linear feet (1 folder)
Pearl Bailey (1918-1990) was an African American actress and singer. In films, she was known chiefly for two roles: Maria in Porgy and Bess(1959) and Frankie in Carmen Jones (1954). She was... more
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