Found 3 collections related to Boston Ballet

Terry, Walter
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 380
5.96 linear feet (16 boxes)
Walter Terry (1913-1982) was a New York City-based writer, dance advocate, and dance critic. He was dance editor for the New York Herald Tribune and published twenty-two books on dance. The Walter Terry papers, Additions... more
Skelton, Thomas R
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 115
The Thomas Skelton papers represent his professional career as lighting designer from the early 1950s to his death in 1994. The bulk of the collection consists of light plots, cue sheets, ground plans, draftings and other papers related to his... more
Ipiotis, Celia
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 180
34.5 linear feet (70 boxes)
Eye on Dance was an interview program concerned with all varieties of dance, ranging from ballet to modern, tap dancing to break dancing. The series initially aired on WNYC and WNYE in New York from 1981 to 1992.... more