Found 3 collections related to Calcutta (India)

Copland, James
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 667
.29 linear feet (1 volume)
Mariner James Copland kept this logbook aboard the Boxer (on which he was employed by John Jacob Astor) from March 1-May 9, 1818; the America from January 28-June 17, 1819; the Cadmus, captained by Reuben Brumly, from September 1, 1819-January 25,... more
May Flower (Ship)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1923
.15 linear feet (1 volume)
This log book of the May Flower consists of two logs bound together, one dated February 29, 1859-July 20, 1860 and the other dated September 18, 1860-October 7, 1861. James T. Seaver, a seaman of Chelsea, Massachusetts, kept the logs and William... more
Day, Sargent S
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 742
.13 linear feet (2 volumes)
These two logbooks were kept by Sargent S. Day on board numerous ships. One volume contains entries made from May 27, 1835-November 28, 1838 aboard an unidentified ship on voyages between Boston; Hobart, Tasmania; and Sydney, New South Wales in... more