Found 4 collections related to Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 17899
1 folder
Herbert Hoover was the thirty-first president of the United States. Nine letters, mostly letters of thanks and other social notes, sent by Herbert Hoover. Includes two letters to Henry Rood, 1923 and 1947, regarding the American Relief...
McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 1882-1954
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1937
6.7 linear feet (16 boxes)
Anne O'Hare McCormick (1882-1954), journalist and newspaper editor, spent most of her career at the New York Times. She began as a foreign correspondent in 1922 reporting from the U.S. and Europe. She became well known for her interviews with...
Alfange, Dean, 1897-1989
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 46
Dean Alfange (1897-1989) was a lawyer, politician and political advisor to U.S. presidents and New York governors. He was instrumental in the formation of the Liberal Party, active in the Greek-American communtiy, and involved in human rights...
Crowell-Collier Publishing Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 703
806 linear feet (808 boxes)
The Crowell-Collier Publishing Company, American publishers of popular periodicals and educational and technical manuals, was incorporated in 1920 as the Crowell Publishing Company. The name was changed to Crowell-Collier in 1939, and to Crowell,...