Found 3 collections related to Baruch, Bernard M. (Bernard Mannes), 1870-1965
Hertzberg, Sidney
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1389
The papers, which include correspondence, organizational papers, notes, writings, printed ephemera, and audio-visual materials, document Mr. Hertzberg's various employments as editor of Common Sense, more
Flint, Charles R. (Charles Ranlett), 1850-1934
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1032
2.9 linear feet (7 boxes)
Charles Ranlett Flint (1850-1934) was a financial capitalist, merchant and industrial consolidator. He entered the shipping business and worked for commission merchants in New York City. Popularly known as the "Father of Trusts", he was...
McCormick, Anne O'Hare, 1882-1954
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1937
6.7 linear feet (16 boxes)
Anne O'Hare McCormick (1882-1954), journalist and newspaper editor, spent most of her career at the New York Times. She began as a foreign correspondent in 1922 reporting from the U.S. and Europe. She became well known for her interviews with...