Found 4 collections related to Composers -- United States
Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979
Music Division | JPB 13-30
3.54 linear feet (10 boxes)
Richard Rodgers (1902-1979) was an American composer and producer, well known for his collaborations with lyricists Lorenz Hart and Oscar Hammerstein II. The Richard Rodgers music papers contain scrapbooks, published vocal scores, and drafts of...
Fryer, Katharine Homer, 1907-
Music Division | JPB 09-3
58.3 linear feet (84 boxes)
The Louise Homer Collection extensively documents the lives and careers of Louise and Sidney Homer, as well as the history of their extended family. It was assembled by Katharine Homer Fryer, one of the Homers' twin daughters. The collection...
Dello Joio, Norman, 1913-2008
Music Division | JPB 00-5
33.55 linear feet (66 boxes)
Norman Dello Joio is a pianist, organist, educator and a Pulitzer Prize winning composer. The collection contains materials related to his work; including business related correspondence (from individuals and institutes), personal papers...
Levitzki, Mischa, 1898-1941
Music Division | JPB 04-18
3.34 linear feet (5 boxes)
Mischa Levitzki was one of the most popular American pianists of his era. The collection contains materials related to his work; including scores (published and manuscript), a scrapbook (photocopy), a leaflet, a poster, a program, a music journal,...