Found 3 collections related to Kahn, Otto Hermann, 1867-1934

Kaufman, George S. (George Simon), 1889-1961
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *ZC-264 (1-4)
4 microfilm reels
Microfilm copy of the papers of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright-director, George S. Kaufman, consisting primarily of correspondence, scripts, and biographical scrapbooks. The correspondence contains letters from Fred Allen, Winthrop Ames, George... more
McKee, Thomas
Music Division | JPB 06-48
3.08 linear feet (3 boxes)
Thomas McKee was a citizen of Great Britain who in the 1900s lived in Portland, Oregon and New York City. He received two patents related to automatic player pianos. Though not a musician and apparently unable to read music, in the early 1930s,... more
Enters, Angna, 1897-1989
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 101
Personal and business correspondence. The bulk of the papers consist of correspondence with agents, publishers, galleries, theaters, colleges and individuals. Contracts are filed under the respective agencies. The second series includes personal... more