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Found 11 collections related to Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964
Goldman, Emma, 1869-1940
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1168
1.2 linear feet (3 boxes); 2 microfilm reels
Emma Goldman (1869-1940) was an anarchist, feminist, author, editor, and lecturer on politics, literature and the arts. She was born in Lithuania and died in Canada. Her lectures and publications attracted attention throughout the U.S. and Europe....
Heyman, Gertrude, 1878?-1958
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1393
1 linear foot (1 box)
Gertrude Amalia Heyman (1878?-1958) was a stenographer who served with the American Expeditionary Forces and the Jewish Welfare Board in France during World War I. She continued her career as a public stenographer and notary public in various U.S....
American Friends of Spanish Democracy
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 72
3.36 linear feet (8 boxes)
The American Friends of Spanish Democracy (originally called Friends of Spanish Democracy) was founded in New York City in 1936 by a group of clergymen and intellectuals under the leadership of Roger Baldwin, a member of the executive committee,...
Pickens, William, 1881-1954
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-4463
Collection primarily relates to Pickens' work as NAACP Field Secretary and Director of Branches, and contains a great deal of correspondence with NAACP officials. Of interest is material chronicling Pickens' and the NAACP's involvement in the...
Hall, Bolton, 1854-1938
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1288
9 linear feet (21 boxes and 3 v.)
Bolton Hall (1854-1938) was an American lawyer and author. He prepared the expurgated text of the King James version of the Bible (called The Living Bible) in addition to writing and speaking on topics such as social reform and political economy....
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2975
97 linear feet (193 boxes, 2 packages and 7 v.); 85 microfilm reels
Norman Matoon Thomas (1884-1968), the American Socialist leader, started his career as a Presbyterian minister in New York City. He became active in the peace movement during World War I and founded the National Civil Liberties Bureau (renamed...
Morgan, Angela, ca. 1875-1957
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2057
31.3 linear feet (84 boxes)
Angela Morgan (ca. 1875-1957) was an American author, poet and journalist. Papers include correspondence, literary manuscripts and notes, articles and lectures, notebooks, photographs and sound recordings which document Angela Morgan's life and...
Thompson, Ralph, 1904-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2981
.6 linear feet (2 boxes)
Ralph Thompson (1904-1979) was an American author, teacher and editor. He was a book critic at the New York Times and a contributing editor at Time Magazine, wrote reference works and translations, and was editor of the Book-of-the-Month Club from...
Bowker, R. R. (Richard Rogers), 1848-1933
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 355
61 linear feet (126 boxes)
Records consist of general and family correspondence, personal papers, subject papers, writings and speeches, diaries and travel journals, financial records, papers of Bowker's father, Daniel Rogers Bowker, scrapbooks, photographs, printed matter,...
Becher, Hildegarde D.
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6290
Found in
Anthony, Alfred Williams, 1860-1939
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 115
19 linear feet (48 boxes)
Alfred Anthony Williams (1860- ), theologian, author and educator, was an executive and administrator of the Committee of the Federal Council of Christ, founder of the Federation Committee of Good Will Between Jews and Christians, and treasurer of...
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