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x1801 - 1850
Found 3 collections related to Pratt, Mr. (Samuel Jackson), 1749-1814
Filtering on: x1801 - 1850
Robinson, Mary Elizabeth, approximately 1775-1818
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Mary "Maria" Elizabeth Robinson, English writer and biographer of her mother, Mary "Perdita" Robsinon, the writer and actress. · To Samuel Jackson Pratt, writer and actor : 1 autograph letter signed : 26 Oct 1803 : (S'ANA 0226) : 3 pages (double...
Opie, Amelia, 1769-1853
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
205 items
Amelia Opie, née Alderson, English novelist and poet. The Amelia Opie manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings, correspondence, and artwork. The writings include: a holograph story, "The Brithday," and a number of...
Thelwall, John, 1764-1834
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
3 items
John Telwall, English political reformer and lecturer. · To George Dyer, author and advocate of political reform : 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Aug 1801 : (MISC 0672) : 1 ¹/₄ pages (single sheet) : from Hereford : begins, "Your...
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