Sembrich, Marcella, 1858-1935
Music Division | JPB 91-94
75 linear feet
Marcella Sembrich was a Polish born coloratura soprano who sang leading roles in European and American opera during her highly successful career. From 1898 to 1909 she was a regular member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York. She continued...
Marcella Sembrich was a Polish born coloratura soprano who sang leading roles in European and American opera during her highly successful career. From 1898 to 1909 she was a regular member of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York. She continued performing as a concert singer after her retirement from the operatic stage. Sembrich also became an instructor of singing at the Curtis Institute of Music and the Juilliard School of Music, becoming mentor to many pupils who later became famous in their own right. The correspondence, papers, posters, and programs in this collection represent the career and activities of Marcella Sembrich and her family from 1851 to 1988. The collection consists of an extensive amount of correspondence with the leading musical figures of the day; posters, concert advertisements and programs from Sembrich (and other) performances throughout her career; and memorabilia including an autograph album with signatures and drawings of famous musicians and others. Series IX "Photographs" also includes some 15-20 original graphic art works among its 2284 items. Subjects include Sembrich, places she lived, places she performed, and people with whom she performed. The sheet music and musical scores (Series X) are currently being processed.
Jacobs, Paul
Music Division | JPB 88-8
ca. 12 cubic ft. (36 boxes)
An American pianist and harpsichordist, Paul Jacobs, 1930-1983, specialized in music of the baroque and avant-garde. Correspondence, clippings, programs, personal documents and items; manuscripts and typescripts of writings by Jacob and others;...
An American pianist and harpsichordist, Paul Jacobs, 1930-1983, specialized in music of the baroque and avant-garde. Correspondence, clippings, programs, personal documents and items; manuscripts and typescripts of writings by Jacob and others; and published music by various composers and books by various authors with markings by Jacobs. Personal correspondents include: Richard Rodney Bennett, William Bolcom, Pierre Boulez, Elliott and Helen Carter, Aaron Copland, David Diamond, George Rochberg, Ned Rorem, Frederic Rzewski, Bernard Saby, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and Charles Wuorinen. Published music without markings has been separated. Sound recordings have been transferred to the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
Beloussoff, Evsei, 1881-1945
Music Division | JPB 90-29
.3 cu. ft.
A Russian-American violoncellist and music teacher, Evsei Beloussoff came to the United States in 1923, made a transcontinental tour, and appeared in New York as a soloist and in sonata recitals with Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Wanda Landowska, and Rubin...
A Russian-American violoncellist and music teacher, Evsei Beloussoff came to the United States in 1923, made a transcontinental tour, and appeared in New York as a soloist and in sonata recitals with Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Wanda Landowska, and Rubin Goldmark. In later years he taught at the Juilliard Institute of Musical Arts and at the Y.M.H.A. Music School. The collection includes autobiographical writings, official documents, clippings, business correspondence, programs, and cartoons. 2 musical scores have been cataloged in the Scores file (JPB 90-3 and JPB 90-4). 15 scrapbooks of programs of concerts in Beloussoff's home in New York and 5 scrapbooks of programs of other concerts have been microfilmed.
Morel, Jean, 1903-1975
Music Division | JPB 95-1
Jean Morel was a French conductor who emigrated to the U.S. in 1939, taught at Brooklyn College and the Juilliard School of Music, and conducted at the Metropolitan Opera House. The collection consists chiefly of published music with markings by...
Jean Morel was a French conductor who emigrated to the U.S. in 1939, taught at Brooklyn College and the Juilliard School of Music, and conducted at the Metropolitan Opera House. The collection consists chiefly of published music with markings by Morel, some with composers' dedications to Morel, some signed by Morel.
Allison, John, 1893-
Music Division | JPB 86-3
John Allison was an American singer, composer, lyricist, and collector of folk songs. Folk songs, chiefly lyrics only, including songs for Space way ballads and Katonah; correspondence, radio scripts, clippings, scrapbooks, brochures, and...
John Allison was an American singer, composer, lyricist, and collector of folk songs. Folk songs, chiefly lyrics only, including songs for Space way ballads and Katonah; correspondence, radio scripts, clippings, scrapbooks, brochures, and published music with markings by Allison.
Carpenter, Elliot
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 599
The Elliot Carpenter Papers document his musical career and consists of personal and professional correspondence, handwritten music, programs, lyrics, scripts and newsclippings.
Bacon, Ernst, 1898-1990
Music Division | JPB 88-24
Ernst Bacon, 1898-1990, was an American composer, pianist, conductor, and teacher. 1 ALS, 1962, and 30 ALS, 1972-1976, to John Edmunds discussing the Bacon-Edmunds collaboration on a radio skit, Watergate (performed 11-2-72 on Station KPFA,...
Ernst Bacon, 1898-1990, was an American composer, pianist, conductor, and teacher. 1 ALS, 1962, and 30 ALS, 1972-1976, to John Edmunds discussing the Bacon-Edmunds collaboration on a radio skit, Watergate (performed 11-2-72 on Station KPFA, Berkeley) and other works including the ballets Jehovah and the Ark and A Parliament of Fowls (also entitled Court of Rooks), and Bacon's collaborations with Cornel Lengyel; and a collection of manuscript material relating to Watergate and its other versions as musical comedy variously entitled Nixie's Party, Nixie's Circus, Nixie, Watergates, and Waterbuggers, sometimes with subtitle A Political Burlesque, and sometimes pseudonymously attributed to N.O. Cable and J. Heron. This material includes a notebook with script and lyrics (in ink and pencil), 2 versions of script, lyrics, words and music (photocopies with emendations in ink and pencil); first-draft notes, early versions and musical sketches, (typescript, ink, some photocopies); and 1 TL (photocopy) from Bacon and Edmunds to Sargent Shriver suggesting the broadcast. 1 ALS is written on the program of the premiere of A Parliament of Fowls, May 6, 1975.
Baum, Heddy
Music Division | JPB 91-112
1 linear foot
Heddy Baum's late husband Morton Baum (1905-1968) was a performing arts administrator involved with New York's City Center for Music and Drama from its beginnings in 1943 until his death. Her friend Hans Werner Henze (b. 1926) is a German...
Heddy Baum's late husband Morton Baum (1905-1968) was a performing arts administrator involved with New York's City Center for Music and Drama from its beginnings in 1943 until his death. Her friend Hans Werner Henze (b. 1926) is a German composer. The first installment consists of 2 distinct collections: papers concerning Morton Baum, and papers concerning Hans Werner Henze. The Morton Baum materials include a typescript history of City Center from 1945-1956, including inserted clippings and letters to Morton Baum from Leonard Bernstein, William Grant Still, Jose Ferrer, and others; clippings about City Center, 1965 and about Morton Baum's selection as board chairman for City Center, 1966; program and clippings about a memorial concert for Morton Baum, 1969; and a letter to Heddy Baum from Lincoln Kirstein, 1973. The Hans Werner Henze materials include 82 items of correspondence (chiefly ALS) from Henze to Heddy Baum, 1973-1990; 3 ALS from Henze to Gert and Hilde von Gontard, 1974-1975, with an enclosed copy of a letter from Henze to Mr. Oppenheimer, 1975; pencil holograph of Henze's Piano sonata; and a portfolio published by the Frankfurt Feste '86 containing 5 portraits of Henze by his friend Renzo Vespignani, an essay on Vespignani by Henze, and 5 facsimiles of sketches of Henze's compositions. These last 2 items have also been cataloged in the RLIN Scores file. A portrait by Fritz Wolff of Polish violinist Bronislaw Huberman has been separated from the collections and transferred to the Music Division's iconography collection: PhD 2546.
Hadley, Henry, 1871-1937
Music Division | JPB 86-17
Henry Hadley was an American composer and conductor, founder of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. Correspondence, contracts and royalty statements, libretti and programs, clippings (reviews), scrapbooks, financial...
Henry Hadley was an American composer and conductor, founder of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors. Correspondence, contracts and royalty statements, libretti and programs, clippings (reviews), scrapbooks, financial records (receipts, checks, loan papers), diaries, motion picture films, and photographs relating to Hadley's life and career; musical scores by various composers (chiefly reproductions of manuscripts); and records of the National Association for American Composers and Conductors.
Brown, Lawrence, 1893-1972
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc Micro R-3597
4.5 linear feet; l0 microfilm reels
Composer, pianist, arranger. Brown worked as Paul Robeson's accompanist for thirty-eight years. The Lawrence Brown papers encompass correspondence reflecting Brown's wide-ranging travels, and his friendships (mostly letters written by his friends...
Composer, pianist, arranger. Brown worked as Paul Robeson's accompanist for thirty-eight years. The Lawrence Brown papers encompass correspondence reflecting Brown's wide-ranging travels, and his friendships (mostly letters written by his friends and business associates); personal papers; travel file consisting mostly of itineraries for tours; financial records comprised largely of royalty and earnings statements; programs for Brown and other artists; scrapbooks of news clippings and telegrams covering the Brown and Paul Robeson concert years (1928-1968); news clippings of concert reviews; and original scores and sheet music written by Brown and other composers. Papers relate to Brown's life and times, including World War I, Harlem Renaissance, World War II, spirituals, and his collaborator, Paul Robeson. Correspondents include Amanda Aldridge, Ethel Gardner Dingle, Jannett Hamlyn, Roland Hayes, Langston Hughes, Zaidee Jackson, William Lawrence, John Payne, Paul and Eslanda Robeson, Clara Rockmore, Robert Rockmore, Mrs. Corinne Sawyer (Brown's landlady), and Greta and I. W. Sequeira.
Wolmut, John
Music Division | JPB 87-2
.6 linear feet (2 boxes)
Under the name of his birth Hans Wohlmuth, John Wolmut was a stage director for City Center Opera ca. 1945. He emigrated from Austria in 1938 and taught at Mannes and Curtis Institute before going to the Midwest in 1947. Four published piano-vocal...
Under the name of his birth Hans Wohlmuth, John Wolmut was a stage director for City Center Opera ca. 1945. He emigrated from Austria in 1938 and taught at Mannes and Curtis Institute before going to the Midwest in 1947. Four published piano-vocal scores of operas with Wolmut's holograph stage directions interleaved and with mounted typescript notes and markings by Wolmut.
Wagner, Josef, 1901-1957
Music Division | JPB 88-9
1 linear foot (4 boxes)
A pianist-composer born in Germany around 1909, Josef Wagner was giving concerts in New York City in 1939-1941. Manuscript scores of Josef Wagner's compositions; clippings, programs, and scrapbook.
Tureck, Rosalyn
Music Division | JPB 86-4
6 linear feet (18 boxes)
Pianist, clavichordist and harpsichordist known for her interpretation of the works of J.S. Bach. Published and unpublished scores by various composers with markings by Tureck; programs, clippings, and brochures.
Rychtarik, Richard, 1894-1982
Music Division | JPB 90-27
ca. 1.5 cubic ft.
Richard Waslav Rychtarik was an American set and costume designer of major productions at the Metropolitan Opera and other companies. Photographs, marked scores and librettos, letters, sketches, and clippings pertaining to productions, and some...
Richard Waslav Rychtarik was an American set and costume designer of major productions at the Metropolitan Opera and other companies. Photographs, marked scores and librettos, letters, sketches, and clippings pertaining to productions, and some non-theater related designs.
Stravinsky, Soulima, 1910-
Music Division | JOB 87-14
Soulima Stravinsky is a pianist, teacher, and composer, son of Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Correspondence and other material relating to Soulima Stravinsky as pianist, lecturer, and teacher; notebooks and other material about Mozart's piano...
Soulima Stravinsky is a pianist, teacher, and composer, son of Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. Correspondence and other material relating to Soulima Stravinsky as pianist, lecturer, and teacher; notebooks and other material about Mozart's piano concertos and other course material; clippings and other material about Igor Stravinsky; published scores associated with or inscribed to Igor Stravinsky; Sketchbook by Igor Stravinsky (1917?). Inscriptions are by Georges Auric, Serge Diaghilev, Darius Milhaud, Francis Poulenc, and Serge Prokofiev. Correspondents include Nadia Boulanger, Alexander Tcherepnin, Ernest Ansermet, Nikolai Lopatnikoff, Ruth Slenczynska, Murray Adaskin, Alexander Uninsky, and Malcolm Bilson. Several letters are from Igor Stravinsky, and there is one leaf in Igor Stravinsky's hand concerning Haydn's and Mozart's works among the published scores. The film of a rehearsal with Igor Stravinsky conducting has been separated from the collection and sent to NYPL Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
Paskman, Dailey
Music Division | JPB 91-141
.3 cu. ft.
Dailey Paskman was a playwright and lyricist of the forties, associated with Rudolf Friml. Vocal score for Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, written for a children's phonograph record; full score, 3 vocal scores and other material for Halloween, a...
Dailey Paskman was a playwright and lyricist of the forties, associated with Rudolf Friml. Vocal score for Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, written for a children's phonograph record; full score, 3 vocal scores and other material for Halloween, a radio production for children. All the music is by Lionel Barrymore. The collection also includes 2 glossy portrait photographs of Barrymore. Scores are cataloged separately in the Scores file.
Viola, Renzo, 1889-1976
Music Division | JPB 92-60
1 linear foot (3 boxes)
Renzo Viola, born Lorenzo Viola in Sicily in 1889, was a piano teacher and composer in New York City and in Lindenhurst, Long Island. He composed music for the silent movie, The Trifling Woman ; invented an educational toy piano named Alice in...
Renzo Viola, born Lorenzo Viola in Sicily in 1889, was a piano teacher and composer in New York City and in Lindenhurst, Long Island. He composed music for the silent movie, The Trifling Woman ; invented an educational toy piano named Alice in Musicland ; founded the Long Island Harmony Band and the L.I. Drum Corps ; and wrote songs for the Rotary Club. Manuscript scores of Renzo Viola's compositions (including more than 25 songs for which he wrote both words and music, and more than 35 piano pieces), arrangements, sketches, and exercises ; 2 published scores ; brochures, clippings, biographical sketch by Viola V. Joy.
Lange, Arthur, 1889-1959
Music Division | JPB 91-95
ca. 7.5 cubic ft. (11 boxes)
Known chiefly as an arranger of popular songs and as a composer of music for films, American musician Arthur Lange was also a pianist, a conductor, and a composer of concert works. He wrote the books: Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra, and...
Known chiefly as an arranger of popular songs and as a composer of music for films, American musician Arthur Lange was also a pianist, a conductor, and a composer of concert works. He wrote the books: Arranging for the Modern Dance Orchestra, and A New and Practical Approach to Harmony. Film scores, music manuscripts, published music, unpublished arrangements for films, sheet music from Tin Pan Alley, photographs, autobiographical material, clippings, and scrapbooks. Most of the musical scores are contained in bound volumes entitled "Alpha to Omega". Some of the film scores were composed in collaboration with other composers, chiefly Charles Maxwell. 8 photographs of Arthur Lange may be found in the Music Division's Iconography collection, and 2 photographs of the Arthur Lange Orchestra may be found in the Music Division's Rare Photograph file: PhE 543 and PhE 544. Scrapbooks have been microfilmed. Phonograph records have been separated from the collection and transferred to the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
AMAS Musical Theatre (New York, N.Y.)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 463
The AMAS Musical Theatre production files consist of documentation for thirty-six plays produced by AMAS, including both original plays and well known plays such as "It's so nice to be civilized," "Bojangles," "Jam," "Juba," "Blackberries," and...
The AMAS Musical Theatre production files consist of documentation for thirty-six plays produced by AMAS, including both original plays and well known plays such as "It's so nice to be civilized," "Bojangles," "Jam," "Juba," "Blackberries," and "The buck stops here." Revivals have included "Bye Bye Birdie," "Carousel," and "My Fair Lady." A variety of material can be found in the files; however not every kind of material will be available for each production. The following list provides a sampling of files: attendance sheets; audition sheets, budgets, cast lists/contact sheets; casting lists and notices; contracts; costume inventories; cue sheets; equity contracts; flyers and programs; memoranda and correspondence; music and lyrics; performance reports; production schedules; rehearsal logs, schedules and reports; reviews; scene breakdown sheets; scripts-blocking/production/master/music; set design and illustrations/lighting/props; sound; stage manager's notes; and VIP lists. Additionally, the collection includes background information about AMAS and Rosetta LeNoire, AMAS's Eubie Blake Youth Theatre, programs and flyers for productions not represented in the files, and certificates awarded to AMAS.
Bettis, Valerie, 1919-1982
Music Division | JPB 86-7
American dancer and choreographer. Music by Bernardo Segall and other composers, some with annotations by Bettis. Includes manuscripts (chiefly photocopies and reproductions) and published scores.
Riegger, Wallingford, 1885-1961
Music Division | JPB 91-18
The Wallingford Riegger Papers illustrate the career of the composer Wallingford Riegger, whose works combined an advanced harmonic and rhythmic idiom with traditional structures.
Braun, Edith Evans, 1887-1976
Music Division | JPB 91-96
The Edith Evans Braun Collection highlights the history of American music in the early and mid twentieth century. The collection shows various details of the lives and careers of notable music figures of the period through the memoirs and diaries...
The Edith Evans Braun Collection highlights the history of American music in the early and mid twentieth century. The collection shows various details of the lives and careers of notable music figures of the period through the memoirs and diaries of Edith Evans Braun, a pianist and director at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Of strong interest in the collection are the music manuscript sketches by emerging composers (Deems Taylor, Samuel Barber) of the period, and signed and dedicated published scores. There are also letters and photographs from Taylor, Barber, Gian Carlo Menotti, Josef Hoffman, and others. The period covered in the collection is from 1916 to 1971.
Weiss, Karel
Music Division | JPB 91-110
34 items
Eva Gauthier, a mezzo-soprano, was born in Ottawa. Her pupil Karel Weiss, of Baltimore, was 20 years old in 1947. 12 ALS from Eva Gauthier to Karel Weiss, 1947-1954; 2 ALS from Eva Gauthier to Weiss's mother, 1948 and 1956; 1 TL from Eva Gauthier...
Eva Gauthier, a mezzo-soprano, was born in Ottawa. Her pupil Karel Weiss, of Baltimore, was 20 years old in 1947. 12 ALS from Eva Gauthier to Karel Weiss, 1947-1954; 2 ALS from Eva Gauthier to Weiss's mother, 1948 and 1956; 1 TL from Eva Gauthier recommending Weiss for "a Berkshire season", 1947; clipping, flyer, and programs for concerts by or relating to Eva Gauthier, 1951-1966; prospective, minutes, and by-laws for organization which became The Eva Gauthier Society for Living Song, 1959-1960; musical scores of songs by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, E.T. Cone, Ned Rorem, and Hugo Weisgall, accompanied by ALS from Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1966) and Weisgall (1948), and typed postcard from Rorem (1947), all mentioning Eva Gauthier.
Copeland, George, 1882-1971
Music Division | JPB 91-135
.6 cubic ft.
An American pianist, George Copeland introduced the works of Debussy to the United States and also specialized in the works of Spanish composers. His many friends and associates included John Singer Sargent, Mary Garden, Isadora Duncan, Mrs....
An American pianist, George Copeland introduced the works of Debussy to the United States and also specialized in the works of Spanish composers. His many friends and associates included John Singer Sargent, Mary Garden, Isadora Duncan, Mrs. Fiske, Sarah Bernhardt, Melba, Calvé, Lina Cavaliere, Maggie Teyte, Mrs. Jack Gardner, Debussy, De Falla, Laurette Taylor, and Marie Dressler. Shortly after World War I, Copeland stayed in Kronberg with the family of Margarethe of Hesse, Princess of Prussia, sister of Kaiser Wilhelm. Biographical and autobiographical writings, letters, photoprints and drawings, 3 musical scores, and other items relating to the career of George Copeland. The collection includes drafts of a biographical essay about Copeland by Frederic Bradlee; drafts of Copeland's autobiography; Copeland's essay "Debussy, the Man I Knew" from The Atlantic Monthly, Jan. 1955; 14 letters from Margarethe of Hesse, Princess of Prussia (signed "Margaret") and 7 letters from other members of her family, 1922-30, 1952-54; 2 letters from Mary Garden; 1 letter from Manuel de Falla; 41 photographs and 3 other portraits of Copeland, 26 photographs of Copeland with others of whom 15 are unidentified; 6 photographs of Copeland's mother; 17 photographs of Copeland's friends and colleagues of whom 9 are unidentified; a reproduction of a pencil drawing of Debussy by B. Solofareff; and a manuscript score of the song A Doctor's Advice by Copeland.
Perle, George, 1915-2009
Music Division | JPB 89-2
An American composer and theorist, George Perle received his Ph.D. degree in 1956 from N.Y. Univ. with the dissertation Serial Composition and Atonality (publ. 1962; 4th ed. 1977). He also wrote Twelve-tone Tonality (1977); The Operas of Alban...
An American composer and theorist, George Perle received his Ph.D. degree in 1956 from N.Y. Univ. with the dissertation Serial Composition and Atonality (publ. 1962; 4th ed. 1977). He also wrote Twelve-tone Tonality (1977); The Operas of Alban Berg (v. 1, Wozzeck, v. 2, Lulu; 1980-1985); The Listening Composer (1990); and numerous articles on Berg, Schoenberg, and Webern. He is co-founder and director of the International Alban Berg Society. Manuscripts of books, articles, reviews, and student term papers (the last under the name Perlman); correspondence (about publications; about theory, chiefly with Paul Lansky; and about the Society); bibliography of books and articles by and about Perle; income tax records; programs; flyers; clippings; and musical scores of compositions (page proofs and photocopies of holographs, with emendations in the hand of the composer). Musical scores have classmark JPB 89-3 and will be cataloged separately in the Scores file.
Rochberg, George
Music Division | JPB 86-19
George Rochberg is an American composer. Materials for and drafts of articles on Iconography of the mind, Music and the human situation, The harmonic tendency of the hexachord, and Schoenberg's American period, and for a UCLA lecture (1968);...
George Rochberg is an American composer. Materials for and drafts of articles on Iconography of the mind, Music and the human situation, The harmonic tendency of the hexachord, and Schoenberg's American period, and for a UCLA lecture (1968); student notes and exercises in harmony and counterpoint (1936); analytical notes on various composers; musical examples for Hexachord and its relation to composition with 12 tones; correspondence and other material concerning the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers World Congress of Authors and Composers (1974-1976); letter from Marcella Decray about Rochberg's composition Ukiyo-E.
Damrosch, Frank, 1859-1937
Music Division | JPB 88-25
1 cubic ft. (4 boxes)
Frank Damrosch was born Franz Heino Damrosch in Breslau, the son of Leopold Damrosch. A choral conductor, composer, and educator, he founded the Musical Art Society of New York and the Institute of Musical Art which became affiliated with the...
Frank Damrosch was born Franz Heino Damrosch in Breslau, the son of Leopold Damrosch. A choral conductor, composer, and educator, he founded the Musical Art Society of New York and the Institute of Musical Art which became affiliated with the Juilliard School of Music. Drafts of autobiographical and other writings and lectures; published articles by and about Frank Damrosch; letters received; programs; clippings; scrapbooks; minutes of meetings of the Musical Art Society; material from the People's Choral Union; copies of The Baton, a publication of the Institute of Musical Art and The Juilliard School; and published scores of 10 choral works composed or arranged by Frank Damrosch and of 3 songs composed by Frank Damrosch.
Luening, Otto, 1900-1996
Music Division | JPB 87-45
Sender and recipient are both American composers. They collaborated in composing a 2-piano work, Coal scuttle blues. 17 signed autograph letters, 30 signed typed letters, 1 telegram, and 1 postcard from Otto Luening to Ernst Bacon; 1 signed...
Sender and recipient are both American composers. They collaborated in composing a 2-piano work, Coal scuttle blues. 17 signed autograph letters, 30 signed typed letters, 1 telegram, and 1 postcard from Otto Luening to Ernst Bacon; 1 signed autograph letter from Edwin Gerschefski to Ernst Bacon; promotional material for Luening's autobiography ([1] leaf); and 2 scores of Coal scuttle blues / by Ernst Bacon and Otto Luening. New York : Associated Music Publishers, c1944.
Pollikoff, Max
Music Division | JPB 86-1
11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller; 11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller
A violinist and conductor, Max Pollikoff was born in Newark, N.J., in 1904, and died in New York City in 1984. He organized Music in Our Time, a concert series which ran from 1954 to 1974 at the 92nd St. YMHA, New York. Published and unpublished...
A violinist and conductor, Max Pollikoff was born in Newark, N.J., in 1904, and died in New York City in 1984. He organized Music in Our Time, a concert series which ran from 1954 to 1974 at the 92nd St. YMHA, New York. Published and unpublished music by various composers with markings by Pollikoff, scrapbook, programs, clippings, photographs, poster, receipts, checks, contracts, brochures, pamphlets, periodicals, address books, appointment books, memorabilia, and correspondence including letters relating to Music In Our Time.
Lachmund, Carl, 1853-1928
Music Division | JPB 92-1
The Carl V. Lachmund Collection represents the musical career of Carl Lachmund, a student of Franz Liszt, and Lachmund's subsequent devotion to the remembrance of Liszt's personality and the advancement of his music.