Found 3 collections related to Sweet Kitty Bellairs

Schwartz, Stephen
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2008-015
2.7 linear feet (4 boxes, 1 volume)
The Stephen Schwartz collection of David Belasco materials contains mostly scripts, but also published plays, and libretti for works written or produced by David Belasco.
Harbach, Otto, 1873-1963
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-038
The Otto Harbach Papers include correspondence, business papers, scripts, scores, lyrics, personal papers, photographs, and printed matter documenting his personal life and career, and also a particular period in the American musical theater, from... more
Belasco, David, 1853-1931
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1931-001
Actor, manager, playwright, director, producer and theater owner, David Belasco was one of the outstanding personalities of the American theater at the turn of the century. He is most notable for his exotic stage productions, famous for their... more