Found 112 collections related to Howe, W. T. H. (William Thomas Hildrup)
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Eliot, George, 1819-1880
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Eliot, G [Text]
235 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of a manuscript, correspondence, a diary for 1879, notebooks, and financial documents.
Gissing, George, 1857-1903
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Gissing [Text]
1,108 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, diaries kept from 1879 to 1913, a commonplace book, financial and legal documents, portraits, and pictorial works.
Southey, Robert, 1774-1843
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Southey
106 items
This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, correspondence, an undated commonplace book, and an undated notebook.
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-1928
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Hardy [Text]
343 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, financial and legal documents, portraits, and pictorial works.
Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Yeats, WB
ca. 3,125 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, notebooks, and portraits.
Collins, Wilkie, 1824-1889
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Collins [Text]
325 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence to, from, and about the author, a diary for 1867 and 1868, and legal documents.
Irving, Washington, 1783-1859
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Irving
167 items
This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, portraits, pictorial works, commonplace books, journals, and notebooks, a certificate, a scrapbook and correspondence.
Gregory, Lady, 1852-1932
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Gregory
8,178 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, financial and legal documents, notebooks from 1881 to 1929, diaries from 1881 to 1913, journals from [ca. 1916] to 1932, correspondence dating from 1873 to [1965],...
Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Dickens [Text]
1,225 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, diaires for 1867 and 1868, notebooks for 1843 through 1870, financial and legal documents, portraits and pictorial works.
Lamb, Charles, 1775-1834
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Lamb
118 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, eleven undated commonplace books, an album dating from 1831 to 1843, financial documents, and pictorial works.
Carroll, Lewis, 1832-1898
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Dodgson
167 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence by and about the author, and pictorial works.
Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Wilde [Text]
110 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, and two undated notebooks.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Coleridge
189 items
This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, correspondence, a journal for 1798, notebooks kept for 1814 through 1832, legal documents, and a commonplace book.
Richardson, Samuel, 1689-1761
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Richardson, S
20 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and correspondence, as well as a pencil portrait of the author.
Crane, Stephen, 1871-1900
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Crane
160 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, manuscript reproductions, typescripts, and correspondence.
Moore, George, 1852-1933
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Moore, G
1,314 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, legal documents, an undated notebook, and portraits.
Russell, George William, 1867-1935
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Russell, GW
318 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, financial documents, and portraits.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Hawthorne, N
351 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, as well as his Italian diary kept in 1859, journals for 1842 through 1855, a notebook for 1858, a commonplace book, and financial and legal documents.
Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, 1809-1871
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Hawthorne, S
1,525 items
This is a synthetic collection that consists of manuscripts and a typescript, correspondence, diaries for 1829 and 1859, seventeen journals kept from 1829 to 1869, notebooks, commonplace books, financial documents, and pictorial works.
Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Scott
55 items
This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence, portraits of Scott, and drawings for his books, as well as legal and financial documents.
Sassoon, Siegfried, 1886-1967
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Sassoon
669 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence, as well as portraits and pictorial works.
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 1806-1861
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Browning, EB [Text]
609 items
This is a synthetic collection that consists of manuscripts, a typescript, correspondence from, to, and about the author, diaries, notebooks, financial and legal documents, portraits, and pictorial works.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Clemens
717 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of portraits, pictorial works, manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence from, to, and about the author, a diary for 1885, a notebook for 1895, portraits, and pictorial works.
Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Kipling [Text]
1,645 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, notebooks, legal and financial documents, correspondence, portraits, and pictorial works.
Brooke, Rupert, 1887-1915
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Brooke
741 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts and typescripts, correspondence from, to, and about the author, notebooks, diaries for 1907 through 1913, and a photographic portrait of the author.
Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Van Vechten
618 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence, and financial documents.
Browning, Robert, 1812-1889
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Browning, R [Text]
81 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, and a portrait photograph.
Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Cooper
45 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of manuscripts, correspondence, and financial documents.
Yeats, Jack B. (Jack Butler), 1871-1957
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Yeats, JaB
130 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of correspondence, portraits, six sketchbooks dating from 1900 to 1908, and pictorial works.
Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Marryat
26 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of correspondence.
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Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.