Found 5 collections related to AIDS activists -- United States

McKean, Aldyn
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 5986
3.4 linear feet (8 boxes)
Aldyn McKean (1948-1994), a gay rights and AIDS activist, was a founding member, spokesman, and grassroots organizer for ACT UP. He represented that organization, among others, at international AIDS conferences and demonstrations. His papers... more
Sonnabend, Joseph A.
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6223
9.4 linear feet (24 boxes)
Joseph A. Sonnabend is a physician, laboratory scientist, clinical researcher, and community activist who contributed immeasurably to the fight against AIDS. As a pioneer in community-based research, he co-founded the AIDS Medical Foundation... more
Testing the Limits (Firm)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3614
14 linear feet (22 boxes); 13 audio files, 1824 video files, 132 vhs tapes
Testing the Limits was a video collective formed in New York in 1987 to document AIDS activism. The collective produced a short work, Testing the Limits : NYC, in 1987 and a feature-length documentary Voices from the Front in 1991. The... more
Davis, Tony
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 5987
13 linear feet (29 boxes)
The Tony Davis ACT UP records contain files collected and maintained by Tony Davis, an active member of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) from 1989 to 1996. Davis had a leading role in ACT UP's Treatment and Data Committee, attended... more
Giard, Robert
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 5983
0.42 linear feet (1 box)
Robert Giard (1939-2002) was an American photographer best known for his portraits of LGBTQ+ writers, artists, and activists. Giard kept written records of his photo shoot sessions with sitters, memorializing in detail his impression of each... more