Found 2 collections related to Financial records
Netherland Club of New York
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3616
17.58 linear feet (40 boxes, 2 volumes, 2 oversized folders)
The Netherland Club of New York is a private social and professional organization centered on Dutch culture, history, and the fostering of Dutch-American relationships. The Netherland Club of New York records date from 1903 to 2013 and contain...
Russell and Volkening
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18287
146.25 linear feet (376 boxes, 1 volume, 3 folders)
Russell and Volkening is one of New York's oldest literary agencies, opened in 1940 by Diarmuid Russell and Henry Volkening. They represented some of the most noted writers in the history of American publishing, including Eudora Welty, Bernard...