Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | *Pforz 558L 20
1 volume (27 manuscript pages), 24 cm; 1 volume (27 manuscript pages), 24 cm
Fair-copy bound holograph manuscript of Gaetano Polidori, including an Italian translation of Byron's Lament of Tasso, an original Italian poem, and a dedication to Frederick North, fifth Earl of Guilford.
Segati, Marianna
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
3 items
Marianna Segati, Lord Byron's first mistress in Venice; she was the wife of Byron's landlord, Pietro Segati, a draper. · To Lord Byron, poet : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 5 Dec 1816 : (B'ANA 0237) : 1 page (double sheet) : [no...
Marianna Segati, Lord Byron's first mistress in Venice; she was the wife of Byron's landlord, Pietro Segati, a draper. · To Lord Byron, poet : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 5 Dec 1816 : (B'ANA 0237) : 1 page (double sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "Mio bene pardonami se questa sera non poso essere con té, allora solita ..." Published in full with translation and commentary as SC 583 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 214-216. -- 1 autograph letter signed : [between Dec 1816 and Apr 1818] : (B'ANA 0239) : ¹/₂ page (single sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "Prima di partire non posso lasciarti senza darti un tenero abbracio di vero cuore accompagnato da mile baci ..." Published in full with translation as SC 584 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 216-217. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Apr 1818 : (B'ANA 0238) : 1 page (double sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "Non avendo potutto partire Domenica matina bramava darti un saluto la sera ..." Published in full with translation as SC 604 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 307-308.
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron, 1778-1868
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
15 items
To John Allen, political and historical writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 14 Jul 1816 (B'ANA 0319), on Paris, Switzerland, Lord Byron and Madame de Stael : "Lord Byron lives on the other side of the lake, shunned by all - both English and...
To John Allen, political and historical writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 14 Jul 1816 (B'ANA 0319), on Paris, Switzerland, Lord Byron and Madame de Stael : "Lord Byron lives on the other side of the lake, shunned by all - both English and Genevese except Mad. Stael - who can't resist a little celebrity.".
Hunt, Henry Leigh
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
6 items
Henry Leigh Hunt, English publisher. He was the son of John Hunt, the radical printer and publisher, and the nephew Leigh Hunt, the poet, journalist and critic. · To Augustus Applegath, printer in London : 2 letters : -- 1 autograph letter...
Henry Leigh Hunt, English publisher. He was the son of John Hunt, the radical printer and publisher, and the nephew Leigh Hunt, the poet, journalist and critic. · To Augustus Applegath, printer in London : 2 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 19 Jan 1824 : (H'ANA 0066) : begins, "I send the copy from which to set up Werner, also the last vol. of Byron's Works, published by Murray, as a model." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 27 May 1824 : (B'ANA 0523) : begins, "We have paper making for Vol. 12 of Byron's Works, I wish to use the same for Werner.".
Magnarotto, Andrea
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
To Lord Byron, poet : 1 letter signed : 29 Sep 1818 : (B'ANA 0242) : from Venice : in Italian; body of the letter in a scribal hand; regarding his wife's brazen and immoral nature; imploring Byron to spare himself trouble by keeping his distance...
To Lord Byron, poet : 1 letter signed : 29 Sep 1818 : (B'ANA 0242) : from Venice : in Italian; body of the letter in a scribal hand; regarding his wife's brazen and immoral nature; imploring Byron to spare himself trouble by keeping his distance from her. Published with translation and commentary as SC 625 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 350f.
Kohns, Lee, 1864-1927
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 645
6 linear feet (19 boxes, 3 v.)
Collection consists of letters and documents, ca. 15th-19th centuries, collected by Lee Kohns. American and European historical, literary, artistic, and scientific figures are represented.
Silvestrini, Fanny, -1824
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
8 items
Francesca "Fanny" Silvestrini, confidante of Byron's mistress, Teresa Guiccioli; mother of the children of Byron's steward, Lega Zambelli. · To Teresa Guiccioli, Lord Byron's "last attachment" : 8 letters in Italian : -- 1 autograph letter...
Francesca "Fanny" Silvestrini, confidante of Byron's mistress, Teresa Guiccioli; mother of the children of Byron's steward, Lega Zambelli. · To Teresa Guiccioli, Lord Byron's "last attachment" : 8 letters in Italian : -- 1 autograph letter signed : 25 Nov 1819 : (B'ANA 0288) : 2 pages (double sheet) : [from Venice] : begins, "Tieni, mia Amica: eccoti una lettera del tuo Byron, del tuo sempre Amico ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 644, v. 7, p. 546f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 30 Nov 1819 : (B'ANA 0289) : 2 ¹/₄ pages (double sheet) : from Venezia : begins, "Jeri sera ho ricevuto una tua riga, ed ho portato tosto la lettera acchiusa a Mylord ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 646, v. 7, p. 646f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 2 Dec 1819 : (B'ANA 0290) : 2 ³/₄ pages (double sheet) : from Venezia : begins, "Strassera ho ricevuto la tua dei 30. e portai come il solito l'acchiusa a Mylord ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 649, v. 7, p. 574f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 9 Dec 1819 : (B'ANA 0287) : 1 ¹/₄ pages (double sheet) : from Venezia : begins, "La posta non é giunta ancora, e fino a domattina non possiamo avere le tue lettere, forse le più desiderate da Mylord ..."; with an autograph letter in Byron's hand on the same letter sheet (B 0084). Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 651, v. 7, p. 586f. Filed under "Byron." -- 1 autograph letter signed : 10 Dec 1819 : (B'ANA 0291) : 2 pages (double sheet) : [from Venice] : begins, "Adesso, adesso che suonano le 9. Lega ni porta il tuo Plico ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 652, v. 7, p. 591f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 10 Dec 1819 : (B'ANA 0292) : 1 page (single sheet) : [from Venice] : begins, "Inquietissimo, Mylord, immaginandosi che la sua lettera dei 7. nunzia della sua partenza per l'Inghilterra ti avrà più afflita che mai ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 654, v. 7, p. 599f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 14 Dec 1819 : (B'ANA 0293) : 1 ¹/₄ pages (double sheet) : from Venezia : begins, "Il ritorno del Corriere ci ha colmati tutti di consolazione ...." Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 655, v. 7, p. 603f. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Apr 1820 : (B'ANA 0294) : 3 pages (double sheet) : from Venezia : begins, "Cosa dirti, come dimostrarti la mia gratitudine, per il tratto della tua amicizia?" Published in full with translation and commentary in Shelley and his Circle as SC 726, v. 8, p. 939f.
Staël, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine), 1766-1817
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
5 items
Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël, née Necker, Baroness Staël von Holstein, French-Swiss writer and salon leader. · To Ludovico di Breme, Italian writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Sep 1816 : (B'ANA 0777) : 1 page (double...
Anne-Louise-Germaine de Staël, née Necker, Baroness Staël von Holstein, French-Swiss writer and salon leader. · To Ludovico di Breme, Italian writer : 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Sep 1816 : (B'ANA 0777) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Coppet : begins, "[vous?] vis bien mon cher ami, vos intéresses à M. Polidori, le medicin de Lord Biren qui désirait que vous essuiez la bonté de lui donner des lettres pour des médecins à Padoue at à Pavie ...".
Teotochi Albrizzi, Isabella, 1760-1836
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
3 items
Contessa Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi, the Italian writer; Byron once acclaimed her "la Stael veneziana.". · To Elizabeth K. Ingram : 3 autograph letters signed, in French -- 14 Jul 1819 : (B'ANA 0320) : on friends and acquaintences they have...
Contessa Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi, the Italian writer; Byron once acclaimed her "la Stael veneziana.". · To Elizabeth K. Ingram : 3 autograph letters signed, in French -- 14 Jul 1819 : (B'ANA 0320) : on friends and acquaintences they have in common, including R. B. Hoppner, Contessa Benzoni, Lord Byron and Teresa Guiccioli. The Contessa tells Ingram of Dr. Aglietti's hurried trip to Ravenna, at Lord Byron's request, where Teresa was ill (the incident is described in Iris Origo's The last attachment, p. 79-80, without all the details provided here). Also mentioned in the letter is J. W. Polidori's The vampire, then attributed by some to Lord Byron. Published in full with commentary as SC 641 in volume 7 of Shelley and his Circle. -- 6 May [1820] : (B'ANA 0468) : repeating some gossip heard on the subject of Lord Byron. -- 25 Aug 1823 : (B'ANA 0321) : perhaps in the hand of an amanuensis; including, "On assure que Lord Byron est allé en Grece ... mais c'est de l'argent, et pas des chansons qu'il faut á ces braves gens.".
Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Scott
55 items
This is a synthetic collection that includes manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence, portraits of Scott, and drawings for his books, as well as legal and financial documents.
Querini Benzon, Marina, 1757-1839
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
3 items
Countess Marina Querini Benzon, née Chiara, Venetian hostess. · To Lord Byron, poet : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : "sabato" [?after 3 Apr 1819] : (B'ANA 0369) : ¹/₄ page (single sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "ella scrive...
Countess Marina Querini Benzon, née Chiara, Venetian hostess. · To Lord Byron, poet : 3 letters : -- 1 autograph letter signed : "sabato" [?after 3 Apr 1819] : (B'ANA 0369) : ¹/₄ page (single sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "ella scrive benissimo -- ti rimando le due carte ..." Published with translation and commentary as SC 632 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 364. -- 1 autograph letter signed : [?Nov-Dec 1819] : (B'ANA 0295) : ¹/₂ page (double sheet) : [no place] : in Italian; begins, "Io non ispero punto di ottenere il favore ..." Published with translation as SC 642 in Shelley and his Circle, v. VII, p. 538. -- 1 autograph letter signed : 11 Jun 1821 : (B'ANA 0370) : 1 page (double sheet) : from "Venezia" : in Italian; begins, "La comparsa del professore Legnani mi ha fatto un piacere infinito, perche mi portò le vostre nuove ...".
Scott, William Bell, 1811-1890
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
7 items
William Bell Scott, Scottish poet and painter. · Holograph "Introductory Memoir" to his edition of The Poetical Works of John Keats : [ca. 1873] : (S'ANA 0055) : 23 pages (23 single sheets) : [no place] : written chiefly on rectos, with notes and...
William Bell Scott, Scottish poet and painter. · Holograph "Introductory Memoir" to his edition of The Poetical Works of John Keats : [ca. 1873] : (S'ANA 0055) : 23 pages (23 single sheets) : [no place] : written chiefly on rectos, with notes and additions on a few of the versos; begins, "There is no one of the poets who lived at the beginning of this century, -- the greatest era of lyrical and narrative poetry in England, as the Elizabethan age was of dramatic -- of whom we still find it so difficult to speak without bias or prejudice, for or against, as Keats ...".
Clarke-Whitfeld, John, 1770-1836
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
John Clarke-Whitfeld, English organist and composer. · To [?John Stewart, physician and poet] : 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Jan 1816 : (B'ANA 0203) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (single sheet) : from Cam[bridge] : begins, "Having altered my...
John Clarke-Whitfeld, English organist and composer. · To [?John Stewart, physician and poet] : 1 autograph letter signed : 7 Jan 1816 : (B'ANA 0203) : 1 ¹/₂ pages (single sheet) : from Cam[bridge] : begins, "Having altered my plan in respect to the number of songs for my intended publication; and having now determined it shall contain original poetry only (which will render it more valuable to the subscribers) may I request you will favor me with two more little elegant pieces, of the length, and in the style of 'The fair Saracen' 'O I will yield my heart to thee'? . . . ." Also including: "Last week Lord Byron favored me with three [of] the most elegant pieces of poetry . . . I am waiting with much anxiety for the fulfilment of Mr. Walter Scott's promise . . . .".
Lega Zambelli, Antonio, 1770?-1867
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
3 items
Antonio Lega Zambelli, Lord Byron's steward and secretary. · To Mr. Galignani, bookseller and publisher : 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Jan 1821 : (B'ANA 0780) : ¹/₂ page (single sheet) : from Ravenna : in Italian; complaining...
Antonio Lega Zambelli, Lord Byron's steward and secretary. · To Mr. Galignani, bookseller and publisher : 1 autograph letter signed : 18 Jan 1821 : (B'ANA 0780) : ¹/₂ page (single sheet) : from Ravenna : in Italian; complaining that in a 14 day period, Lord Byron has only received two issues of Galignani's periodical.
Rogers, Samuel, 1763-1855
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
177 items
Samuel Rogers, English poet. The Samuel Rogers manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. The writings include: holograph fair copy poetical extracts (from "Jacqueline," "Human Life" and "The Voyage...
Samuel Rogers, English poet. The Samuel Rogers manuscript material in the Pforzheimer Collection consists of writings and correspondence. The writings include: holograph fair copy poetical extracts (from "Jacqueline," "Human Life" and "The Voyage of Columbus"); a holograph testimonial, "Sacred to the Memory of xxxxxx"; and a holograph fair copy of his poem on Earl Grey, "Written in July, 1834." The bulk of the correspondence is dated between 1820 and 1850. Correspondents include: Lord Byron, poet; Mary Shelley, novelist; Robert Southey, poet; William Wordsworth, poet; and over seventy others.
Raffles, Thomas, 1788-1863
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Thomas Raffles, English Congregational minister. · To Joseph Sales, surgeon, of Sutton, Ashfield : 1 autograph letter signed : 15 Mar 1831 : (B'ANA 0586) : 1 page (single sheet) : from Liverpool : begins, "The table has arrived safely ..."; asking...
Thomas Raffles, English Congregational minister. · To Joseph Sales, surgeon, of Sutton, Ashfield : 1 autograph letter signed : 15 Mar 1831 : (B'ANA 0586) : 1 page (single sheet) : from Liverpool : begins, "The table has arrived safely ..."; asking Sales to send a note on the table's provenance, so he "may be enabled to identify it, as having been the property of Lord Byron.".
Raymond, George Lansing, 1839-1929
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
George Lansing Raymond, American educator and philosopher. · To James Wilson Bright, philologist and professor : 1 autograph letter signed : 28 Nov 1898 : (B'ANA 0540) : 2 pages (single sheet) : from 1821 Jefferson Place, Washington, D.C. :...
George Lansing Raymond, American educator and philosopher. · To James Wilson Bright, philologist and professor : 1 autograph letter signed : 28 Nov 1898 : (B'ANA 0540) : 2 pages (single sheet) : from 1821 Jefferson Place, Washington, D.C. : begins, "At the suggestion -- made some months ago, as I must confess -- of one of our Princeton professors, I venture to write ..."; asking if it would be possible at the next Modern Language Association meeting "to find a place ... for a paper upon the revival of interest in Byron. The paper ... contrasts the visibly representative effects of the older poetry with the audibly representative effects ... in the poetry of Tennyson ...".
Pigot, Elizabeth Bridget, 1783-1866
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
2 items
Elizabeth Bridget Pigot, friend and correspondent of Lord Byron. · Transcript, "The Epilogue Spoken by Ld. Byron -- written by the Rev.d J. T. Becher" : [after Oct 1806] : (B'ANA 0490) : 2 pages (single sheet) : [no place] : begins, "Well Friends...
Elizabeth Bridget Pigot, friend and correspondent of Lord Byron. · Transcript, "The Epilogue Spoken by Ld. Byron -- written by the Rev.d J. T. Becher" : [after Oct 1806] : (B'ANA 0490) : 2 pages (single sheet) : [no place] : begins, "Well Friends -- the business of the play concluded, / For once be candid -- have we been deluded?" With a note at the foot of page 2: "For the Wheel of Fortune, acted in Mr. Leacroft's dining room in Sep? 1806.".
Rushton, Robert, 1793-1833
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Robert Rushton, Lord Byron's English servant. · To Lord Byron, poet : 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Jul 1815 : (B'ANA 0649) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Newstead Abbey : giving news of prospective buyers who have looked over Newstead; begins,...
Robert Rushton, Lord Byron's English servant. · To Lord Byron, poet : 1 autograph letter signed : 13 Jul 1815 : (B'ANA 0649) : 1 page (double sheet) : from Newstead Abbey : giving news of prospective buyers who have looked over Newstead; begins, "There as [sic] only been Mr. Ward looking at Newstead for Mr. Wilson sience [sic] I came down ..."; concluding with "a list of the wines in the Cellor [sic] ..."; with Rushton's "RR" black wax seal.
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 page (partial sheet)
Nine lines, copied in the hand of Sir John Claridge, which were omitted from the publication of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos I-II. Copy date uncertain; paper bears a watermark date of 1832. Below is a note of attestation in the hand of John...
Nine lines, copied in the hand of Sir John Claridge, which were omitted from the publication of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Cantos I-II. Copy date uncertain; paper bears a watermark date of 1832. Below is a note of attestation in the hand of John Adolphus (signed "J. A."), which explains that the lines were given by Byron to Claridge, who copied them for Adolphus. On the subject of William Beckford, the lines read in full: "Unhappy Vathek! in an evil hour / 'Gainst Nature's voice seduced to deeds accurst, / Once fortune's minion -- now thou feel'st her power -- / Wrath's vial on thy lofty head hath burst: / In wit -- in talent, or in wealth the first / How wondrous bright thy blooming morn arose / But thou wast smitten with the unhallowed thirst / Of crime unnamed, and thy sad hour must close / In scorn and solitude wrought, the worst of woes." With some textual differences from the version of these lines present in Byron's first fair copy, now in the Murray Archive (see McGann's edition of Byron's complete poetical works, volume 2, page 18n).
Fagnani, Emma, 1823-1890
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
2 items
Emma Fagnani, American wife of Italian portrait painter Joseph Fagnani (1819-1873). Emma's memoir of her husband, The Art Life of a XIXth Century Painter, contains many reminiscences of Teresa Guiccioli. · To Teresa Guiccioli, Lord Byron's...
Emma Fagnani, American wife of Italian portrait painter Joseph Fagnani (1819-1873). Emma's memoir of her husband, The Art Life of a XIXth Century Painter, contains many reminiscences of Teresa Guiccioli. · To Teresa Guiccioli, Lord Byron's "last attachment" : 2 autograph letters signed : -- 20 Aug 1869 : (B'ANA 0452) : from New York : in French; begins, "L'article que je vous envoie par le même courier ..." -- 30 Sep 1869 : (B'ANA 0453) : from New York : in French; begins, "Je viens de recevoir votre dernière bonne lettre ..." Both letters relate to the Byron/Beecher-Stowe controversy.
Falcieri, Giovanni Battista, 1798-1874
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 item
Giovanni Battista "Tita" Falcieri, Italian-born servant of Lord Byron. He was later Isaac D'Israeli's butler, then chief messenger at the India Office. · To his parents : 1 letter (transcript) : 19 Mar 1824 : (B'ANA 0629) : announcing Byron's...
Giovanni Battista "Tita" Falcieri, Italian-born servant of Lord Byron. He was later Isaac D'Israeli's butler, then chief messenger at the India Office. · To his parents : 1 letter (transcript) : 19 Mar 1824 : (B'ANA 0629) : announcing Byron's death. The copy is in a contemporary, possibly English hand, and on the verso is written, "copy letter from venetian sert. who was with Ld. Byron in Greece when he died." Along with a contemporary manuscript translation signed M. E. L., and a clipping of literary scholar Richard Edgcumbe's notice of Falcieri in the Times (4 Jan 1875).
Finlay, George, 1799-1875
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 item
George Finlay, English philhellene and historian. He traveled to Greece in the 1820's to help in the struggle for Greek independence. There he befriended Lord Byron, with whom enjoyed long literary conversations before Byron's death in 1824....
George Finlay, English philhellene and historian. He traveled to Greece in the 1820's to help in the struggle for Greek independence. There he befriended Lord Byron, with whom enjoyed long literary conversations before Byron's death in 1824. · To "My dear Sir" : 1 autograph letter signed : 12 Dec 1861 : (B'ANA 0635) : thanking his correspondent for sending him a book which will assist him in writing his History of Greece. With a comment on the pollution in Greece and the "filthy condition" of Athens.
Garnett, Richard, 1835-1906
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
20 items
Richard Garnett, English librarian and author; spent his career at the British Museum, becoming Keeper of Printed Books in 1890. Garnett wrote and edited several works on Shelley, including Relics of Shelley (1862). · Corrections on printed...
Richard Garnett, English librarian and author; spent his career at the British Museum, becoming Keeper of Printed Books in 1890. Garnett wrote and edited several works on Shelley, including Relics of Shelley (1862). · Corrections on printed proofs, "Shelley, Harriet Shelley, and Mr. T. L. Peacock" : [post-6 Mar 1862] : (S'ANA 0693) : substantial manuscript emendations on printer's proofs for his contribution to Relics of Shelley. The published text, with a few minor exceptions, follows the revisions.
Roberts, Daniel, 1789-1869
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 drawing
Scale drawing of Byron's boat, eventually named The Bolivar, here with "Countess Gamba, Guiccioli" written on the mainsail. Along with a later note in Teresa Guiccioli's hand (TG 0226), explaining: "Le dessin du Schooner de Lord Byron qu'il avait...
Scale drawing of Byron's boat, eventually named The Bolivar, here with "Countess Gamba, Guiccioli" written on the mainsail. Along with a later note in Teresa Guiccioli's hand (TG 0226), explaining: "Le dessin du Schooner de Lord Byron qu'il avait voulu appeller avec mon nom -- mais qu'il appella le Bolivar de peur de me Comprometre.".
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
16 manuscript pages (9 total leaves)
A manuscript inventory of the possessions of Lord Byron at the time of his death in Greece on 19 April 1824; in an unidentified hand. Includes dressing and medicine chests, linens, jewelry, plates, and Byron's final travelling assembly of books....
A manuscript inventory of the possessions of Lord Byron at the time of his death in Greece on 19 April 1824; in an unidentified hand. Includes dressing and medicine chests, linens, jewelry, plates, and Byron's final travelling assembly of books. A summary, endorsed by the London auctioneers Laxton Nicholls, value the items at a total of £145.8.0. Written lengthwise on conjugate notebook leaves, one double leaf torn in two, with an additional single notebook leaf title page. Within mustard cloth clamshell case with green morocco cover label, gilt.
Swanton-Belloc, Louise, 1796-1881
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 item
Louise Swanton-Belloc, French translator and essayist. Among the many English authors she translated into French was her friend, Maria Edgeworth. Swanton-Belloc was on the editorial board of the famous Revue Encyclopedique for twelve years and...
Louise Swanton-Belloc, French translator and essayist. Among the many English authors she translated into French was her friend, Maria Edgeworth. Swanton-Belloc was on the editorial board of the famous Revue Encyclopedique for twelve years and collaborated with other important magazines, such as the Revue des Deux Mondes, the Magazin Pittoresque, the Musee de Familles and the Revue de Paris. La Ruche, the first journal dedicated to teaching by correspondence, was edited and published by Swanton-Belloc and her lifelong friend and collaborator, Adelaide Montgolfier. She was the French paternal grandmother of English writers Hilaire Belloc and Marie Belloc Lowndes. · To Samuel W. Reynolds, painter and printmaker : 1 autograph letter signed : 22 Jul 1824 : (B'ANA 0060) : saying that she has received his Byron engraving after the portrait by Thomas Phillips, and asks if she may use it in her soon-to-be-published essay on Byron in French. Lord Byron, par Mme. Louise Sw.-Belloc, was published in Paris in 1824 by Renouard.
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 page (single sheet)
Manuscript fair copy, in an unidentified hand, of the twenty-seven line poem [first?] published in the Morning Post [London] on 20 April 1816; begins, "The Daughter of a Royal Line / Shall weep for hearts perverse as thine ..."; here signed...
Manuscript fair copy, in an unidentified hand, of the twenty-seven line poem [first?] published in the Morning Post [London] on 20 April 1816; begins, "The Daughter of a Royal Line / Shall weep for hearts perverse as thine ..."; here signed [?J.D.] in the lower right corner; mounted on an excised album sheet, with four hand-colored etchings mounted on the verso, cut out from a copy of William Heath's Studies From the Stage.
Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 page (single sheet) + excised address panel
Manuscript fogery, in an unknown hand, of a letter from Lord Byron to James Perry, editor of the Morning Chronicle. Undated; watermark of "BASTED MILL / 1819." Creation date of forgery undetermined, but the letter was listed in the Walter M. Mill...
Manuscript fogery, in an unknown hand, of a letter from Lord Byron to James Perry, editor of the Morning Chronicle. Undated; watermark of "BASTED MILL / 1819." Creation date of forgery undetermined, but the letter was listed in the Walter M. Mill catalog of November 1899. Reads in full: "My dear Sir, I think Mr. Lambert is right. Some inconvenience might certainly arise from any other mode than that now proposed by me; but there can be none in making the expenses a joint concern; and to this I cheerfully agree. With best wishes for your health happiness, believe me to remain, my dear Sir, most sincerely yours, N. Byron.".
Spencer Smith, Constance, 1785-1829
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz Ms
1 item
Constance Spencer Smith, wife of British diplomat and politician John Spencer Smith. Lord Byron fell in love with her in Malta in 1809 and wrote several poems about her. · To "Mon cher frere" : 1 autograph letter signed : 1 Sep 1810 : (B'ANA...
Constance Spencer Smith, wife of British diplomat and politician John Spencer Smith. Lord Byron fell in love with her in Malta in 1809 and wrote several poems about her. · To "Mon cher frere" : 1 autograph letter signed : 1 Sep 1810 : (B'ANA 0692) : 4 pages (double sheet) : from Palerma : in French; begins, "Je ne doute pas que vous ayez reçu la lettre que je vous ecrivis de Gibraltar ..." Mounted on the second leaf following page 58 in volume I of the grangerized copy of Nichol's Byron.