The development of state militias stemmed from the passage of the first and second Militia Acts of 1792, drafted by George Washington and his Secretary of War, Henry Knox. New York boasted the largest state military force in the nation. Under the...
The development of state militias stemmed from the passage of the first and second Militia Acts of 1792, drafted by George Washington and his Secretary of War, Henry Knox. New York boasted the largest state military force in the nation. Under the General Orders of 15 March 1826, the 1st Brigade of Horse Artillery and the 6th Brigade of Artillery were organized as the First Division of New York State Artillery. As the country was not at war during the era these documents were maintained, the activities of the First Regiment of Horse Artillery were largely ceremonial. The two orderly books in this collection, probably belonging to Edward Frederick Arcularius, contain the orders of the First Regiment New York Horse Militia, 1815 - 1826. Also includes copied correspondence between officers, including Captain Cornelius Button, Captain Robert Cary, Colonel Henry A. Arcularius, Brigadier Major Henry Brevoort, Brigadier General James Benedict, Brigadier General Jacob Odell, and New York State Governor Dewitt Clinton. Includes details of drills, parades, meetings, and courts martial.