Found 15 collections related to Portrait photographs
Smallens, Alexander, 1889-1972
Music Division | JPB 89-88
ca. 6 cu. ft.
Alexander Smallens was a Russian-born American conductor. He accompanied the Anna Pavlova Ballet Company on a tour to South America (1915-1916) and worked on the staffs of the Boston Opera, Chicago Opera, Philadelphia Opera, and Philadelphia...
Jacobs, Paul
Music Division | JPB 88-8
ca. 12 cubic ft. (36 boxes)
An American pianist and harpsichordist, Paul Jacobs, 1930-1983, specialized in music of the baroque and avant-garde. Correspondence, clippings, programs, personal documents and items; manuscripts and typescripts of writings by Jacob and others;...
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II...
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II...
Barnes, Harold
Music Division | JPB 95-4
0.94 cubic feet (2 boxes)
Harold Barnes was a record collector. Walter Schmucker was a collector.
Lhevinne, Rosina, 1880-1976
Music Division | JPB 94-4
ca. 9 cu. ft.
Rosina Lhevinne (1880-1976) was a Russian-born pianist and pedagogue who taught at the Juilliard School and privately in New York City. She was married to pianist Josef Lhévinne. Business and personal correspondence, pedagogical notes, clippings,...
Somerville, Randolph
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2013-052
.75 linear feet
This collection includes photographs and prints of actors and actresses from the late 19th and early 20th century, especially those associated with Shakespearean theatre in New York City. The images were primarily collected by professor Randolph...
Smith, Jabbo, 1908-1991
Music Division | JPB 97-65
2.11 cubic ft. (5 boxes)
"Jabbo" Smith, born Cladys Smith in 1908 in Pembroke, Georgia, was an African-American jazz trumpeter, trombonist and singer. He died in St. Louis in 1991. The collection consists of autobiographical material; correspondence with Lorraine Gordon...
Sanders, Felicia
Music Division | JPB 97-3
.41 cubic ft. (2 boxes)
Felicia Sanders was a nightclub singer in the 1950's through the early 1970's. She died in 1975 at the age of 53. Her arranger and accompanist was her husband, Irving Joseph. The collection contains 2 items of sheet music with cover pictures of...
Castles, Katrina
Music Division | JPB 97-1
.3 cu. ft.
Katrina Castles (Mrs. Michael Schwab), formerly Kathleen Castles, and also known as Katherine Castles, was an Australian mezzo-soprano Lieder singer, a protege of Mme. Lotte Lehmann, and the childhood friend of Australian-American composer Peggy...
Ponselle, Rosa, 1897-1981
Music Division | JPB 93-95
27 items
Rosa Ponselle was an American soprano. Kenneth Miller was a violinist who lived in Lawrence, Kansas. 19 ALS (many signed "Mel") and 1 greeting card from Rosa Ponselle to Ken Miller ; 1 ALS to "Kenneth, Rosa & Edith" from Stuart Ross [?] ; 4...
Schumer, Harry G
Music Division | JPB 92-70
14 boxes
Harry G. Schumer was the librarian of the Metropolitan Opera from 1938-1968. The collection includes color photographic transparencies, color slides, and black and white negatives taken by Schumer of Metropolitan Opera cast and crew during his...
Wigglesworth, Frank, 1918-1996
Music Division | JPB 97-44
432 linear ft. : 95 boxes
The Frank Wigglesworth Papers document Wigglesworth's life and career. The collection was assembled by Wigglesworth over the course of his lifetime, and includes musical scores, correspondence, clippings, programs, miscellaneous papers,...
Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Emerson
180 items
This is a synthetic collection covering the years 1821 to 1912 (bulk 1837-1882) with some undated material. The collection is particularly strong on poetry, including over twenty poems in manuscript, most from Emerson's earlier period. The...
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS Clemens
717 items
This is a synthetic collection consisting of portraits, pictorial works, manuscripts, typescripts, correspondence from, to, and about the author, a diary for 1885, a notebook for 1895, portraits, and pictorial works.
Found in
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digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.