Found 2 collections related to Bistolfi, Leonardo, 1859-1933
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II...
Toscanini, Arturo, 1867-1957
Music Division | JPB 90-1
330 linear feet
Arturo Toscanini was born in Parma, Italy, on March 25, 1867, and died in Riverdale, New York, on January 16, 1957. Many regard him as one of the world's greatest conductors. In addition, Toscanini's anti-Fascist stance during World War II...
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digitized and are available online.