Found 2 collections related to Executors and administrators -- New York (State)

Delancy, Ann, 1762-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2954
.29 linear feet (1 box)
The John Taylor estate papers include partition papers showing shares allotted to Ann Taylor Delancey, 1804-1811; partition deed to the heirs of land in Hardenburg; Jessup's and Dean's patents; and material relating to land in Wellsborough,... more
De Lancey, Thomas J
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18205
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Thomas Ellison was a lawyer with ties to Mamaroneck and Orange County, New York. Thomas J. De Lancey served as executor of the Thomas Ellison estate. The collection consists of an account book documenting charges against the estate of Thomas... more