The A'Becket Family Diaries and Prompt Books include handwritten memoirs and daily notations regarding the life and career of Thomas A'Becket, Sr. from 1844 to 1890. The diaries show the extent of A'Becket's theatrical activities. The diaries of...
The A'Becket Family Diaries and Prompt Books include handwritten memoirs and daily notations regarding the life and career of Thomas A'Becket, Sr. from 1844 to 1890. The diaries show the extent of A'Becket's theatrical activities. The diaries of his son, Thomas A'Becket, Jr. are primarily music related. These diaries span the years 1862 to 1880. The scripts and prompt books are sometimes annotated and sometimes unmarked and belonged to Thomas A'Becket, Sr. They span his career and some give information on the theater and year of the production. The collection appears to be a useful research source for detailing the life of a stock actor, writer and musician of the 19th century. A'Becket includes information on his work schedule and his travel schedule in the circuit theaters. Information as well, regarding his family, friends and acquaintances can be found in the diaries.