Found 135 collections related to Account books

Genet, Geo. Clinton (George Clinton)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 22959
.15 linear feet (1 volume)
Cash book, 1860 January 1-1871 December 23, of George Clinton Genet (1824-1904), a prosperous American lawyer residing in New York City and Rensselaer County, New York. He was the son of Edmond Charles Genet (1763-1834), known as “Citizen Genet,”... more
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23168
.2 linear feet (1 volume)
Account book kept by Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States, showing receipts and disbursements mainly at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Monticello, Virginia; and Washington, D.C., 1791-1803. Daily entries in daybook form concern... more
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 23251
.1 linear feet (1 volume)
Accounts and transactions relative to the estate of Samuel Bayard consist of one volume that records the settlement of Bayard's estate from 1784 to 1803 by his executors Samuel Breese, William Malcom, and Aaron Burr. Bayard (1706-1784) was a... more
Arcularius and Merrell (Firm)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 22285
.1 linear feet (1 folder)
Philip Jacob Arcularius and Andrew Merrell ran a leather-tanning business in New York City. Arcularius, a German immigrant, also held various civic positions and was appointed superintendent of the Alms House in 1805. The volume contains two sets... more
Artkraft Strauss Sign Corporation
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 17768
168.31 linear feet (307 boxes, 37 volumes, 18 oversized folders, 93 tubes); 11.76 gb (3613 computer files); 120 video files
The Arkraft Strauss Sign Corporation was New York City's preeminent sign designer and manufacturer in the 20th century, responsible for creating some of the great icons in American advertising. Particularly known for their "spectaculars"—giant... more
Brown Brothers & Company
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 410
45 linear feet (176 v.)
Alexander Brown (1764-1834) emigrated from Ireland to Baltimore in 1800 and opened a dry goods business with which his four sons became associated. One son, John (1788-1872), opened a branch in Philadelphia in 1818 and expanded the business to... more
Gaine, Hugh, 1726 or 1727-1807
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1102
.2 linear feet (1 volume)
Hugh Gaine (1726 or 1727-1807) was a prominent American printer, bookseller and newspaper publisher who maintained a flourishing shop in New York City from 1752 to 1804. From 1752 to 1783 he printed and published the New-York... more
Taunton Social Library (Taunton, Mass)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2951
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Record book of the Taunton Social Library, Taunton, Massachusetts, for the years 1837-1843. Includes library accounts, lists of books sent to the bindery, additions to the library, and lists of books borrowed by shareholders
Reade, Joseph, 1694-1771
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2412
.2 linear feet (1 volume)
Adolph Philipse (1665-1750) was a wealthy New York City merchant and politician with extensive landholdings in the lower Hudson River Valley. Baptised Adolphus, he was the second son of New York City merchant Frederick Philipse, first Lord of the... more
Phoenix, Daniel, 1761-1828
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2415
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Daniel Phoenix, Jr. (1761-1828) was a prosperous merchant, civic leader and militia officer who resided in Morristown, New Jersey for most of his life. He was the son of Alexander Phoenix of New York City, and the nephew of merchant Daniel Phoenix... more
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1109
211 linear feet (368 boxes, 153 volumes, 12 oversized folders)
The collection consists chiefly of papers of members of the Gansevoort, Lansing and Melville families and reflects the social, business, and political interests of the families, their friends and associates. Also included are some papers of... more
Gouverneur & Kemble
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18816
.2 linear feet (1 box)
Gouverneur & Kemble was a prominent New York City mercantile firm established in the late 18th century. The Gouverneur & Kemble cash book is a record of cash transactions conducted by the firm from late November 1800 to early March 1805 as... more
Meeker, Ichabod, b. 1750
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3438
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Ichabod Meeker, a native of Fairfield, Connecticut, was a farmer who settled in Catherine, New York. Account book kept by Ichabod Meeker from 1773 to 1834, containing a 1788 entry from Fairfield and an 1802 entry from Catherine. Elijah Meeker also... more
Mathews, Increase, 1772-1856
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1913
.08 linear feet (1 volume)
Increase Matthews and John Matthews, early Ohio settlers, were merchants in Zanesville and Springfield, Ohio. The collection of Increase Matthews and John Matthews daybooks, 1801-1804, consists of two volumes (bound in one) recording transactions... more
Child, Isaac, 1734-1769
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1894
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
A book of autograph receipts of Boston merchant Isaac Child's for dry goods, groceries, and farm and household implements (1800-1810). The receipts are pasted into a copy of Joseph Dana's 1824 Latin exercise book Liber Primus. The book includes an... more
Wolcott, Frederick Henry, b. 1808
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 6378
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Frederick Henry Wolcott was a merchant in New York. Account book of Frederick Henry Wolcott, containing records of personal and family expenses from 1844 January through 1851 October
Paul, Peter, 1933-
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2355
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
An account book belonging to Peter Paul of Dighton, Massachusetts, listing payments received for day labor performed, 1826-1831
Schenck, Peter Teunis
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18224
.21 linear feet (1 box)
Peter Teunis Schenck (1752-1808) was a miller in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Upon his death, the mill was taken over by his son, Peter P. Schenck (1798-1832). The Schenck family descended from Jans Martense Schenck and his brother Roelof Martense Schenck,... more
Barrow, John, 1767-1838
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3926
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
New York City merchant company Byrd and Barrow kept this receipt book from April 25, 1801, to April 3, 1828. The volume documents transactions for freight, taxes, household expenditures for Joseph Byrd and John Barrow. Also present are receipts... more
Morgan, Caleb
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2058
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Caleb Morgan, merchant from Poughkeepsie, New York, kept this receipt book from July 22, 1839, to May 3, 1843. Morgan was a prominent Democrat and an active Methodist in Poughkeepsie
Evans, Samuel
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 957
.23 linear feet (2 volumes)
This collection is composed of two volumes: Captain Samuel Evans's letter book, dated 1815 to 1826, and boatswain's accounts from the U.S.S. Tom Bowline, dated 1815 to 1817. Correspondence to Commodore Isaac Chauncey of the U.S. Navy is included
Ferguson family
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18092
13.86 linear feet (33 boxes)
The Fergusons were an English family that settled in New York City beginning around 1802. The patriarch, Samuel Ferguson, was a prosperous merchant who established familial and commercial relationships with other wealthy and socially prominent New... more
Olympic Theatre, (New York, N.Y.)
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2294
.42 linear feet (2 volumes)
This collection contains two volumes of records for New York's Olympic Theatre. Volume one consists of the accounts of sales from September 5, 1864, to July 8, 1865, and volume two documents box office returns from August 31, 1868, to May 1, 1869.... more
Pollikoff, Max
Music Division | JPB 86-1
11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller; 11 boxes, 39 x 30 x 8 cm. or smaller
A violinist and conductor, Max Pollikoff was born in Newark, N.J., in 1904, and died in New York City in 1984. He organized Music in Our Time, a concert series which ran from 1954 to 1974 at the 92nd St. YMHA, New York. Published and unpublished... more
Barbour, Mordecai
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3593
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Account book of Mordecai Barbour, merchant of Fredericksburg, Virginia, containing accounts for barrels and general merchandise (1806-1807) and a lumber mill (1809-1812). Also includes a farm overseer's accounts (1841-1842) and memoranda kept by... more
Bouton, Nathan
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3546
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Account book kept by Nathan Bouton of Troy, New York, from 1811 to approximately 1829. Entries list deposits and withdrawals between St. Paul's Church and the Bank of Troy; it is possible that this account book was kept by Bouton while acting as... more
Cross, Stephen
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 699
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Account book of Stephen Cross of Monson, Massachusetts containing records of agricultural activities and lumber trade; also includes an inventory of Cross' estate. Entries date 1792-1834
Van Cortlandt, Stephen
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3128
.21 linear feet (1 volume)
Stephen Van Cortlandt kept this receipt book at Newark, New Jersey, from October 11, 1827, to October 4, 1839
Stewart and Jones
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2884
1 linear foot (4 boxes)
Stewart and Jones were merchants and ship chandlers of New York City. Collection consists of correspondence, accounts and miscellaneous records of Stewart and Jones; correspondence and accounts of their predecessor firm, Jones and Ross; papers of... more
King, Rufus, 1838-1924
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18162
4.83 linear feet (12 boxes)
Rufus King (1838-1924) was a banker by profession as well as a respected genealogist. The son of Rufus Sylvester and Phoebe Odell King, his New England ancestors included the revolutionary war veteran and New York State Senator Rufus King, after... more
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