Found 3 collections related to Ward family
Ward, Frank Edwin, 1872-1953
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3217
Frank Edwin Ward (1872-1953), was an organist, composer and music teacher at Columbia University. His father, Cyrenus Osborne Ward (1831-1902), was a social reformer, historian, and author of The Ancient Lowly and other books on the history of...
Ward, Samuel, 1814-1884
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3221
2.5 linear feet (8 boxes)
Samuel Ward (1814-1884) was an American lobbyist, financier, author, and adventurer. He was the son of the banker Samuel Ward (1786-1839) and the grandson of Samuel Ward (1756-1832) soldier and merchant. His sister was Julia Ward Howe, author of...
Smith, W. Ward (William Ward), 1893-1968
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol NYGB 18090
1 linear foot (3 boxes, 1 oversized folder)
The W. Ward Smith genealogical research papers contains William Ward Smith's genealogical notes, essays, clippings, charts, correspondence, ca. 1920s-1940s; original family letters and documents; and photographs relating to Smith's genealogical...
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digitized and are available online.
digitized and are available online.