Found 5 collections related to Goetz, Augustus

Goetz, Ruth
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 1166
.5 linear feet (2 boxes)
Ruth Goodman Goetz (1912- ) and Augustus Goetz (1889-1957) collaborated on writing plays for the theatre and movies. Her father, Philip Goodman (1885-1940), was a producer of Broadway plays and musicals. Collection consists of correspondence,... more
Clift, Montgomery
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1967-006
11 linear feet (31 boxes and 1 oversized folder)
The papers of Montgomery Clift consist of a small amount of correspondence, scripts, photographs, notes and scrapbooks. The strength of the collection is in the large number of annotated scripts which range from early drafts to final scripts. The... more
Halsman, Philippe
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-VIM 1998-002
Philippe Halsman was a photographer. The collection consists of images of Broadway productions.
Buchman, Herman
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1997-046
Herman Buchman was a makeup artist for stage and screen, as well as an educator. His papers document his career in these two fields as well as his two books on makeup.