Found 2 collections related to Off-Broadway theater -- History

Hould-Ward, Ann
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2019-011
11.02 linear feet (36 boxes, 7 oversize folders); 19.23 gigabytes (10,126 computer files)
Ann Hould-Ward is an American costume designer known for her work in Broadway and Off-Broadway theater, ballet, and opera. This collection consists of show and costume bibles, sketches, reference materials, press materials, programs, and... more
New York Shakespeare Festival Productions
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1993-028
170.97 linear feet (416 boxes, 4 other items)
Since its inception in 1954, the New York Shakespeare Festival/the Public Theater has been a highly acclaimed theater company, dedicated to achieving artistic excellence while developing an American theater that is accessible and relevant to all... more