Found 2 collections related to Lower East Side (New York, N.Y.)

Filtering on: x2001 - 2025
New York Foundation
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 18363
97.37 linear feet (231 boxes)
The New York Foundation is a philanthropic foundation, established in New York City in 1909 for the purpose of providing financial support towards "altruistic purposes, charitable, benevolent, educational, or otherwise." For over a century, the... more
Warsh, Lewis
Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature | Berg Coll MSS 35928
35.46 linear feet (85 boxes, 1 tube). 1 audio recording
Lewis Warsh was an American poet, visual artist, professor, prose writer, editor, and publisher. He is most prominently known as a member of the second generation of the New York School poets. The Lewis Warsh papers, dating from 1957 to 2022,... more