The New York Foundation is a philanthropic foundation, established in New York City in 1909 for the purpose of providing financial support towards "altruistic purposes, charitable, benevolent, educational, or otherwise." For over a century, the...
The New York Foundation is a philanthropic foundation, established in New York City in 1909 for the purpose of providing financial support towards "altruistic purposes, charitable, benevolent, educational, or otherwise." For over a century, the Foundation has awarded grants to charitable and non-profit organizations in numerous fields, including public health, workers' rights, literacy, child welfare, AIDS research and treatment, women's suffrage, racial equity, legal aid, the alleviation of poverty, civil rights, immigrants' rights, and education reform, among many others. Although some earlier grants supported programs in other areas of the country, the bulk of the Foundation's grants since 1975 have been awarded to organizations in New York City, with a focus on grassroots community organizations.