Found 8 collections related to Oral histories

New York Women in Film & Television
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-DF 2018-001
1.086 terabytes (173 computer files)
New York Women in Film & Television (NYWIFT) is a non-profit professional organization for women involved in the New York entertainment industry. The New York Women in Film interviews are comprised of 141 interviews with members of NYWIFT and... more
Jerome Robbins Foundation
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 487
114.9 gigabytes (313 computer files)
Jerome Robbins (1918-1998) was an American dancer, choreographer, producer, and director who worked in ballet, theater, film, and television. The Remembering Jerome Robbins oral histories date from 2009 to 2012 and consist of interviews conducted... more
Horwitz, Dawn Lille
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 557
2.5 linear feet (6 boxes); 1003.0 kilobytes (13 computer files)
The Dawn Lille collection, dated 1932 to 2002, documents Dawn Lille (1934- ), a performer, teacher, and oral historian. Her collection contains oral history interviews she conducted with African-American dancers. Lille also taped an extensive... more
Hill, Emita Brady
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 500
1.31 gigabytes (112 computer files)
The Ballroom dance oral history collection contains oral history interviews with 28 professional and amateur dancers from the New York ballroom dance community. Interviewed by Emita Brady Hill, the oral history interviews detail the dancers'... more
Jahr, Cliff
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 1991-013
16.04 linear feet (39 boxes). 1811 audio files
Cliff Jahr (1937-1991) was an American journalist and writer. This collection consists of research files for celebrity profiles and other articles about the entertainment industry published between 1972 and 1991, and files on the 1988 book more
Abyssinian Baptist Church (New York, N.Y.)
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division | Sc MG 671
0.83 linear feet (2 boxes)
The Abyssinian Baptist Church Oral History Project consists of transcripts of interviews with ten African-American women—all Abyssinian members—about their recollections of Abyssinian Baptist Church as well as their Southern roots, their spiritual... more
Worman, Martin
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Mss 2009-002
11.7 linear feet (28 boxes, 4 oversize folders). 166 audio files. 18 video files
Martin Worman was an actor, playwright, lyricist, director, drag artist, activist, and academic working in the United States, primarily in San Francisco and New York from the late 1960s through the early 1990s. The bulk of this collection, which... more
Feuer, Wendy
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 186236
2.8 gigabytes (26 computer files)
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is a public benefit corporation responsible for public transportation in the New York City metropolitan region. In 1982, the MTA launched its first Capital Program, a five-year investment in... more
Indicates that portions of this collection have been
digitized and are available online.