Found 2 collections related to Mathematics -- Early works to 1800
Vella, Lorenzo
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 3152
.15 linear feet (1 volume)
Compendio d'aritmetica prattica della numerica semplice. Followed by: Breva trattato della trigonometri(a). Followed by: Breve compendio di geometria prattica. Followed by: Trattato dell' artiglieria, in cui si dimonstra la scola delle parti...
Lombart de la Neuville, Louis-Pierre Penot, b. 1744
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 2122
.08 linear feet (1 volume)
This volume contains a contemporary copy of plans of maneuvers, with text and diagrams, of the Chevalier de la Neuville, Inspector General of the Northern Army in the United States during the American Revolutionary War. The first section of the...