Found 3 collections related to Film posters

Morgan, David S.
Billy Rose Theatre Division | *T-Vim 2018-005
3.96 linear feet (10 boxes)
The David Morgan collection of film stills contains promotional images for 20th-century American films. The collection, which dates from 1920 to 2000, was compiled by David Morgan and is comprised of slides, transparencies, and photographic prints... more
Schanberg, Sydney H. (Sydney Hillel), 1934-2016
Manuscripts and Archives Division | MssCol 24889
118.82 linear feet (275 boxes, 10 tubes, 13 oversize folders). 1.8 gigabytes (940 computer files)
Sydney H. Schanberg (1934-2016) was an American journalist and war correspondent who spent fifty years writing extensively on international affairs, politics, New York City, corporate excess, and the mass media. He was awarded the 1976 Pulitzer... more
Ardolino, Emile
Jerome Robbins Dance Division | (S) *MGZMD 563
24.51 linear feet (59 boxes, 1 tube, 1 oversize folder)
Emile Ardolino (1943-1993) was a prolific director, producer, editor, and multimedia designer for television, film, and theater productions. He was best known for directing the Academy Award-winning documentary He Makes Me Feel... more