Found 3 collections related to Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick, 1781-1851
Scott, Walter, 1771-1832
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
12 items
Sir Walter Scott, Scottish poet and novelist. · To Robert Cadell, bookseller and publisher : 1 autograph address (clipping) : [no date] : (MISC 4023.31c) : 1 page (partial sheet) : [no place] : reads in full, "Robert Cadell Esq. / private"; with...
Pringle, Thomas, 1789-1834
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
1 item
Thomas Pringle, Scottish poet, journalist, and philanthropist. · To Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, antiquarian and collector : 1 autograph letter signed : 29 Apr 1828 : (MISC 3712) : 3 pages (double sheet) : from London : begins, "It is now nine or...
Bury, Charlotte Campbell, Lady, 1775-1861
Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle | Pforz MS
3 items
Holograph copybooks : ca. 1816-1821 : (MISC 3985) : 2 vols.; including fair copies of original poems, apparently drafted elsewhere. Vol. 1 has 116 pages, numbered in pencil and a penciled table of contents at the end; v. 2 is about one-third...